There’s only today, isn’t it? It’s all about what we are and do today.
Everything we want is available, so if we ask, seek, knock…it will happen.
But what are we searching for? We search for answers, guidance, expressions of love and the list goes on and on. What works for one person might not work for another but the best thing we can do is to: STUDY YOURSELF!
We are so accustomed to study all sorts of things around us and we rarely have this focus to study ourselves…but the better we get to know ourselves, the more we create a powerful dialogue inside our mind. We will identify our limiting beliefs and why they even exist.
We are here to serve one another and yes, you can make time for so many beautiful things in this World.
You learn how to give 100% to yourself and then you meet a friend to whom you offer 100% and then you choose a partner to whom you give 100%. You can be loyal to others when you remain loyal to yourself.
How can we figure it out if we are on the right track? The answer I once heard from a wise woman was something like: “You don’t ask anybody what should you do, you lead yourself by listening to your own voice.”
Maybe “THAT VOICE” must be discovered in silence, in repetition, in “Thank you!”, in walking, in journaling, in conversations with people that have the qualities we want to acquire or improve.
It’s quite nice to study yourself and it takes patience. We are flawed people and we are created to connect with other flawed people. Beauty happens in between.
It’s in your own power to make a white space for yourself. Take a step back and stay at peace because you’ll need more power for some new ten steps ahead.
When you get to rewire your thinking and insert new beliefs inside your mind, even if it takes you three months, three years or ten years, you are landing where you are supposed to be. You have your own script, I have my own script, a person who lives in the jungle has their own script.
Regarding words, I remember a story told by one of my teachers. She had a lovely grandmother that didn’t know how to write. When my teacher left her small town to study, she started to receive letters from her granny and they were all looking the same.
“Dear Maria,
Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria,
Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria,
Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria.”
She didn’t know how to write her own name, but the beloved teacher understood everything her grandmother was writing and I think that’s wonderful! Each time she was reading this letter, tears rolled down her eyes… Love is simple, transcends all understanding and you don’t even have to express it in complicated ways.
Reading makes you more focused, more passionate and happier. Reading makes you feel fortunate that you have two eyes and a cute brain that loves you. Some habits take something from you and some habits give you a better version of yourself. You can’t be smarter than anyone else and nobody can outsmart you from being you. That is for sure. You’ll be just fine. In all things, learn to put God first. God is like a constant promise you make to yourself, a neverending prayer of gratitude.
Each day I remember about three phrases/promises from God and they are written in the Bible…even if I haven’t managed to read it all: “I am with you always.” ; “No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.” ; “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
It’s our own responsibility to go back in our childhood and deconstruct beliefs or phrases that we now repeat in our heads. We are no longer that child or the same person we where four years ago or even yesterday. Who told me not to like the colour red or a certain place? Everything is encrypted in our subconscious and we can change every single thing about us in order to become more like us and less like anybody else. Your own opinion about “YOU” is the only one that matters.
I am curious about what matters to me and how can I improve my life. I’m not a scientist, I’m not a teacher, I’m not a doctor, I’m not a therapist, I’m not a role model and everything I share right here is what I find interesting at the moment. I love to read and share the good stuff with others, not to look smart, not to portray “an image”.
We plant good seeds, we share information and we learn to remain open because good things will follow us. You give what you are and you are not supposed to be perfect.
Enjoy the list:
- Joe Dispenza and Ed Mylett talk about how many wonders can MEDITATION/PRAYING or being thankful does to our body.
- Another perspective about Self Development is presented by James Jani in the following link. There is a fine line between the excess of positivity and excess of negativity. We may like certain people, but it doesn’t mean we should follow their teachings. After all, nobody can lead your life, but you.
- On my top 3 countries in this World is Japan. I admire japanese people and I appreciate evertything about them. If I can be born again, I would love to open my eyes in Japan. Ken Honda is one of the wisest when it comes to money. Arigato IN! Arigato OUT! Find some good energy about money right here.
- Money are part of our everyday life and from where we can learn more about them? Discover Daniel Lapin right here and laugh with our lovely new-yorkaise Fran Lebowitz. By the way, you can search on Netflix “Pretend It’s a City” and enjoy her and Martin Scorsese walking and talking in New York.
- Andrew Huberman (Professor and Neuroscientist at Stanford University and Host of the Huberman Lab Podcast) is talking about Social Media and what it does to our brain. Here is a 4 minute interview.
Best regards,