Fortunately, with so many expresions of beauty waiting to be discovered around the world, for all tastes and dreams, there will always be some outstanding destinations embroided with charm.
With some of these places you can easily fall in love for their individual aestethics.
From hotels, restaurants, exhibitions, stores, buildings, museums and galleries, you will find from time to time a list of choices that somehow stand up through their history and uniqueness. Admiration and curiosity “are a must” in each step of this journey of what we daily discover and catches not only our eyes, but our hearts too.
Today’s list:
1. Cafe Birdie, Los Angeles
Instagram: @cafebirdiela
2. 202, London
Instagram: @202cafelondon
3. Bluebird, London
Instagram: @bluebirdchelsea
4. Chelsea Physic Garden, London
Instagram: @chelsea_physic_garden
5. 108, Copenhagen
Instagram: @108cph
6. Pierre Hermé, Paris
Instagram: @pierrehermeofficial
7. Design Museum, London
Instagram: @designmuseum
8. The Lobster Shack, Whitstable
Instagram: @thelobstershackwhitstable
9. Ruinart, Reims
Instagram: @ruinart
Fortunately, with so many expresions of beauty waiting to be discovered around the world, for all tastes and dreams, there will always be some outstanding destinations embroided with charm.
With some of these places you can easily fall in love for their individual aestethics.
From hotels, restaurants, exhibitions, stores, buildings, museums and galleries, you will find from time to time a list of choices that somehow stand up through their history and uniqueness. Admiration and curiosity “are a must” in each step of this journey of what we daily discover and catches not only our eyes, but our hearts too.
Today’s list:
1. Kew Gardens, London
Instagram: @kewgardens
2. La Coorniche, Pyla-sur-Mer
Instagram: @lacoorniche
3. Masseria Angiulli Piccolo, Puglia
Instagram: @masseriaangiulli
4. The Phoenix, London
Instagram: @thephoenixsw3
5. TATE, London
Instagram: @tate
6. Casa Vicens, Barcelona
Instagram: @casavicens
7. Mare, Bucharest
Instagram: @muzeuldeartarecenta
8. Romanian Peasant Museum, Bucharest
Instagram: #muzeultaranuluiroman
9. Quai Branly Museum, Paris
Instagram: @quaibranly
10. La Biennale, Venice
Instagram: @labiennale
Fortunately, with so many expresions of beauty waiting to be discovered around the world, for all tastes and dreams, there will always be some outstanding destinations embroided with charm.
With some of these places you can easily fall in love for their individual aestethics.
From hotels, restaurants, exhibitions, stores, buildings, museums and galleries, you will find from time to time a list of choices that somehow stand up through their history and uniqueness. Admiration and curiosity “are a must” in each step of this journey of what we daily discover and catches not only our eyes, but our hearts too.
Today’s list:
1. Lidkoeb, Copenhagen
Instagram: @lidkoeb
2. Palazzo Daniele, Puglia
Instagram: palazzo.daniele
3. Ion Adventure Hotel, Reykjavik
Instragram: @ionadventurehotel
4. Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Instagram: @vamuseum
5. Cafe de Flore, Paris
Instagram: @cafedeflore_paris
6. Rodin Museum, Paris
Instagram: @museerodinparis
7. Atelier Brancusi, Paris
Instagram: @atelierbrancusi
8. Le Bernadin, New York
Instagram: @lebernadinny
9. Attica, Melbourne
Instagram: @atticamelbourne
10. Orsay Museum, Paris
Instagram: @museeorsay
In a small village like Gioroc lives a tiny woman, my grandmother. It’s a feeling like nothing else exists, while silence gives you a private violin concerto. Looking at Maica gives me a kind of certainty that simple is where the real life begins and when you look at your phone and read “No Service”, you’ve already entered a new dimension. The good part is that you can do this from time to time. It only takes a “turn off”.
Imagine your own kind of place. Go there!
Când ajungi în Gioroc, pe drumul ce vine de la Castranova, deodată pătrunzi în sufletul meu de copil cu amintiri de pe vremea când mergeam desculț. Înaintezi pe drum în liniștea amurgului și ajungi în fața casei. Crengile pline de prune atârna în șanț și Maica zâmbește la taclale cu marghioalele din deal. Ce frumoasa era ea cu basmaua pe cap! Ce fericire pe mine să o privesc! Alergam spre ea, apoi fugeam in bătătură să numar puii de găină…
O văd și acum când se lasă seara, pe scaunel, la poartă așteptând. Un toiag și un pisoi ii țin companie.
Maica mea….
Text by L
Mister Rogers – “Neighborhood”
Fred Rogers (1928-2003) este și “vecinul meu”. De-a lungul timpului a reușit să influențeze într-un mod pozitiv și constructiv copilul ( chiar “copilul din noi” ) aflat în fața unui televizor. De puține ori suntem atenți la ceea ce alții ne oferă și uităm că ceea ce este invizibil ochiului este mult mai important. Poate fi o vorbă bună, liniște, iertare, o strângere de mână, o îmbrățișare sau un “ te iubesc necondiționat”.
Mesajul și viața lui “Mister Rogers” trăită cu o deosebită candoare te inspiră și te invită să iți amintești că verbul “a face” este “bine”, iar locuțiunea verbală “a face bine” este o acțiune mai mult decât perfectă.
Un mesaj pe care îl împărtășesc cu admirație și recunoștință: “It’s you I like.”
“It’s you I like,
It’s not the things you wear,
It’s not the way you do your hair–
But it’s you I like
The way you are right now,
The way down deep inside you–
Not the things that hide you,
Not your toys–
They’re just beside you.
But it’s you I like–
Every part of you,
Your skin, your eyes, your feelings
Whether old or new.
I hope that you’ll remember
Even when you’re feeling blue
That it’s you I like,
It’s you yourself,
It’s you, it’s you I like. “