Sa citesti, sa rasfoiesti

Magic, magic, cine stie?

Amarate si vesele vieti de jupanese si cucuoane – Constantin Gane

“Expresia de han, auberge, pentru hotel, era atunci obisnuita si a ramas apoi din generatie in generatie pana la sfarsitul veacului trecut. Batranii o mai intrebuintau inca pe la inceputul secolului nostru si contele de Castellane ne povesteste cu mult haz cum matusa lui, principesa Radziwill, care in viata ei nu mancase aiurea decat acasa la ea sau la prietenele ei, fiind poftita intr-o zi, prin 1910, de un mare personaj politic la hotel Ritz la Paris, unul dintre cele mai mari, mai luxoase si mai scumpe hoteluri din lume, scria nepotului ei: Figurez-vous ce qui m’est arrivé hier, j’ai dîné a l’auberge (inchipuiti-va ce mi s-a intamplat ieri, am pranzit intr-un han!).

La 25 si 26 april, nimic interesant. Doua scrisori scurte, din care se vede ca vremea fiind urata, coana Catinca n-a iesit din casa, decat o singura data pentru a pranzi la printul si printesa Cantacuzino, mare cinste si aceea fiindca Alexandru Matei Cantacuzino era mare sambelan al Curtii imperiale. Nevasta lui, Elisabeta, era o rusoaica nascuta Daragan.

La 27, cina la Caliarhi in cinstea lui Capodistria. Catinca Krupenski e asezata la dreapta cancelarului, care-i arata o prietenie de care biata femeie nu se mai dezmeticeste.

Dupa masa, in salon, Capodistria prezinta Catincai pe Manuc, vestitul Manuc Bei, armeanul-turco-rus, fabulos de bogat, fiul acelui Manuc Bei si el, care cu 30 de ani in urma cladise la Bucuresti cel dintai han al Capitalei, Hanul lui Manuc-Hotel Ritz de pe atunci-transformat mai tarziu in Hotel Dacia, care mai exista inca si azi pe locul unde era atunci, in Piata Sfantului Anton, pe ruinele vechii Curti domnesti. Catinca Krupenski il gaseste pe acest Manuc cat se poate de placut. Il a l’air bon et spirituel, bun si cu duh.

La 28 april, pranzul il ia la printii Gagarin, noii casatoriti de mai daunazi, iar cina avec maman chez la Pouchkine. O fi poate vorba de mama vestitului poet Puskin.

La 29, nimic. A fost la matusa ei Sturdza. La 30, i s-au adus doua doici, pe alese. Sunt amandoua atat de frumoase incat nu stie pe care sa aleaga. Je n’ai que l’embarras du choix, je les ferai visiter par la sage femme et je verrai laquelle a le meilleur lait.”


I wouldn’t call it a moodboard, but certain things are joggling in my head. For those who are willing to keep an open eye: Play!

Playboard of this week:

New objects presented at SUPERSALONE 2021, Milano

  1. A lounge chair
Nuez lounge chair
Nuez Lounge BIO / Photo credit: www.andreuworld.com

Nuez Lounge BIO chair was introduced these days at Milano Design Week.

Due to its shape, I perceive the object as “a private transportable” through books and discussions.

Patricia Urquiola has designed this lounge chair from aluminium, Bio thermopolymer and upholstered shell for Andreu World’s company.

Photo Credit: Instagram @andreuworld

Modern but sustainable at the same time, Nuez Lounge Bio chair manages to be the perfect medium between comfort and technology, coming from its 3D shape. The details crafted so “naturally” in repeating lines resembles a bit with the tummy of a whale.

Find more about this product here: Nuez Lounge BIO

2. A chair

The FILO chair designed by Erwan & Ronan Bouroullec for Mattiazzi is another example of “repeating lines” but in comparison to Nuez Lounge Bio, this one is sensitive and it is made from fabric. Joggling in the area of graphics, crafts, poetry and materiality, this yellow chair was “thought” to reduce wood wastage by reducing his structure ’till simplicity.

Photo source: Instagram @ronanbouroullec

When you vizualise the FILO chair, it sends you back to the origins, to the uniqueness of manufacturers or grandparents and their old sewing machines.

I would dare to describe the chair in one simple word: primary

Discover more about this object design here: FILO

3. A modern candle light

GOODNIGHT is the purest reinterpretation of the most popular light on Planet Earth.

A light that brought us out from the dark into civilization, into the future, and by this I mean the candle light.

Philippe Starck remembered about this object and geniously shifted its energy into a technological romance. The modern candle light created for Kartell is minimal, functional and it works on battery.

And what a gorgeous transfer of power!

Photo source: www.salonemilano.it

You can read more about this lighting object design here: GOODNIGHT

4. Dior

A particular project named “DIOR MEDALLION CHAIR” has gathered many artists to design in their own vision a chair, but one reinterpretation in particular has caught my attention.

The original and initial chair had grey and white armchairs and it was used for fashion shows, but the Japanese designer Tokujin Yoshioka has created an exquisite symbol of lightness and transparency.

Tokujin Yoshioka. Image: Yuto Kudo

Find more about this object here: “Medallion of Light”


Sa citesti, sa rasfoiesti

Magic, magic, cine stie?

O scurta istorie a romanilor povestita celor tineri – Neagu Djuvara

“Dar sa nu-i numim inca romani pe descendentii dacoromanilor- pentru ca romani nu avem inca dreptul sa le zicem decat atunci cand exista o limba romana, iar limba romana se naste cand are loc o simbioza, adica o influenta reciproca si in cele din urma un amestec intre fostii dacoromani si slavi. Daca nu-i putem numi romani, atunci cum sa le spunem? Sa le zicem “valahi”.

De ce? Valah nu e un termen peiorativ, cum ar vrea unii straini rau intentionati sa-l considere. Valah e un nume foarte nobil, dat de germanici tuturor romanilor, pornind de la numele unui trib celt care se numea Volcae, asezat pe unde sunt azi Elvetia si Austria.

Acestia s-au romanizat, astfel incat germanii, vecinii lor, cu vremea au numit volcae pe toti romanii, pe toti cei ce vorbeau limba latina.

Asa se explica faptul ca, din insulele britanice si pana la noi, de-a lungul granitei intre germanici si fostul imperiu roman, au ramas nuclee care poarta inca un nume provenit din volcae. Ati auzit de Tara Galilor in Marea Britanie, provincie care, ca si in Scotia, se afla la nord de Anglia propriu-zisa, ambele locuite de ramasite din vechea populatie celta a insulei. Ei bine, numele Tarii Galilor, ce se cheama Wales pe englezeste, are aceeasi originie cu Valahia! Si daca coboram in Europa continentala, valonii din Belgia, adica aceia care vorbesc franceza in Belgia, poarta tot un nume provenit din volcae.”


I wouldn’t call it a moodboard, but certain things are joggling in my head. For those who are willing to keep an open eye: Play!

Playboard of this week:

  1. Best speech on Earth:

Discover here the speech: Fred Rogers inducted into the TV Hall of Fame

Fred Rogers (20.03.1928- 27.02.2003) has mastered kindness like no other human on this Earth.

In almost 40 years of activity, Mister Rogers raised all the standards when we think of what children are watching on television.

You can view one of his daily television program dedicated for the little ones here: Everybody’s Special

If you are interested to see a movie with his life, you can find it on Netflix.

I have discovered a modern representation of our Fred Rogers into Daniel Tiger’s Neighbourhood cartoons and that’s quite a good choice for the little ones to watch:

Daniel Tiger

And why not? You can watch the trailer: A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

2. A sustainable table

round table

TIP TOE stands out to be a good choice when it comes to beauty, sustainable and functionality. An experimental kind of table eco certified made from recycled plastic (yogurt bottle) and modular legs coming in different colours.

Find more about this company here.

3. A digital type of “painting”:

4. A book

This book gives you “a paintfully” sensation when you touch it.

The Story of Painting by Andrew Graham Dixon offers a lecture of history, colours, movements and important artists. Easy to read and suitable for everyone, not only for les connaisseurs! It will capture you for sure!

A special book to offer, also!


What do I see?

I see genius people who transform matter into art and sounds into a whole New World.

Those who intend to walk on this path are not just simply making things possible, but they are doing it in a new way.

There is one exception though, who does everything so incredible and has no equal. It’s so simple to figure it out. Look yourself in the mirror. Isn’t that all the science and the wonders of this World inside yourself? Yes, God has done everything perfectly and it will never stop, but here comes our job to maintain, flourish and share this act of creating.

At the core of our own existence, of everything that surrounds us, there is music, the sound itself. Starting from your beating heart to the last song you’ve heard today and gave you goosebumps.

After hearing a sound, the matter comes along through the act of thinking and visuals are starting to appear in our imagination.

If words are that powerful because it all started with “a word” when it was silence, what would you create?

You are already equipped with everything you need, so it means it’s up to you.

I had a great experience these days while I was listening to the latest album of Kanye West, “Donda”- named after his mother.  I must mention that I don’t listen to this type of music on a regular basis, so it was a premier for myself.

I was definitely amazed by his incredible lyrics, collaborations, palette of sounds, not to mention about the touch of gospel…

I might say that Kanye is going to make history with this new album and I am sure he is already changing people’s lives with this positive approach.

If at the end of the day you still don’t have peace, it means you haven’t been used to the truth or nobody told you how powerful it is. If lies took the same appearance as the truth, you need to reconsider sounds, thoughts and words inside yourself.

When we find the right motives, we unfold ourselves and express it into colours, materials, ideas, words, books, objects, music, dance, movies, theatre, science, technology, sports and all other possible areas.

Madame Poly (art fashion type of artist) had material in her hands and managed to mix her abstract thoughts into a unique concept. When I see her artwork I can only think about a sacred landscape between silence, a beige rock, architecture and dried plants. Art is better when you feel it “live”.

The concept is named ABSTRACT STRUCTURES and you can read about it right on her Instagram: @madame_poly

I was in Bucharest few weeks ago and I have seen her art/fashion exposed at The National Museum of Art of Romania. You can still admire the fashion exhibition with many other creatives of UNARTE until 05.09.2021

Find more about this exhibition here: 50 ANI. SCOALA DE MODA DIN BUCURESTI.


În engleză

Să citești, să răsfoiești

Magic, magic, cine știe?


Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone – J.K. Rowling

” ‘It’s the best place for him, said Dumbledore firmly. ‘His aunt and uncle will be able to explain everything to him when he’s older. I’ve written them a letter.’

‘A letter?’ repeated Professor McGonagall faintly, sitting back down on the wall. ‘Really, Dumbledore, you think you can explain all this in a letter? These people will never understand him! He’ll be famous – a legend – I wouldn’t be surprised if today was known as Harry Potter Day in the future – there will be books written about Harry – every child in our world will know his name!’

‘Exactly’, said Dumbledore, looking very seriously over the top of his half-moon glasses. ‘It would be enough to turn any boy’s head. Famous before he can walk and talk! Famous for something he won’t even remember! Can’t you see how much better off he’ll be, growing up away from all that until he’s ready to take it?’

Professor McGonagall opened her mouth, changed her mind, swallowed and then said, ‘Yes – yes, you’re right, of course. But how is the boy getting here, Dumbledore?’ She eyed his cloak suddenly as though she thought he might be hiding Harry underneath it.

‘Hagrid’s bringing him.’

‘You think it – wise – to trust Hagrid with something as important as this?’

‘I would trust Hagrid with my life, ‘ said Dumbledore.”



I wouldn’t call it a moodboard, but certain things are joggling in my head. For those who are willing to keep an open eye: Play!

Playboard of this week:

1. A painting

“Women and Bird in the Moonlight” – Joan Miró

Joan Miró, Women and Bird in the Moonlight 1949, exhibited 1951, Tate N06007, digital image, © Tate released under Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND (3.0 Unported)

Read more about this painting here.

2. An object

Photo: www.moissonnier.com

L.XIV Bergere seat manufactured by Moissonnier invites you not only to take a seat but also to be careful because enchanting sounds will get you in some magical worlds.

“Defying accepted codes but without breaking the rules”.

Read more about Moissonnier here.

Follow their activity here.

3. A dress

Dior, Spring-Summer Haute Couture 2021 Photo: www.dior.com

Are you captivated by divinatory arts and signs of destiny? I’m not really into it…but these well crafted materials are definitely the sign of a perfect dress.

Check more about the story and the entire collection here.

4. A book

An incredible book filled with old photos of Bucharest.

A souvenir to have and offer.

The book: Bucurestiul mutilat – Andrei Pandele


What do I see?

I see two words: RESTORE & DESTROY

These words resemble each other, even though they mean quite the opposite. Both have six letters, so we might as well use them correctly for an expected outcome.

In the dictionary, an active word like “restore” means to bring back, return to its original condition, while “destroy” signifies to damage something so badly that it cannot be used. Same happens with our feelings or things that once were well nourished. A conscious mind has to be nourished with kind thoughts/actions. It’s true that “You are what you eat” but what can we do when it comes to historic buildings? “If we take care of things they last?”

Yes, they last through rules, education and people who are aware of what’s inside/around them. Taking care by creating established departments to preserve and continue a legacy of a beloved country. So the next issue we ask ourselves: How can people learn to love their own country? How can we pass love from generation to generation? What are we going to do when goodness won’t be attractive anymore?

I remember what Fred Rogers said: “Love isn’t a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun like struggle”. We learn to love ourselves, to love our neighbour, to love a country, to love our legacy. As long as we don’t give up, we learn and conquer. We look back in the past, we talk about, we help, we imagine a new picture of it.

What can we do when a harsh history of a country damages heritage buildings by letting them rot?

While reading BBC online, a headline regarding Herculane Project caught my attention. What others say? An old abandoned building was standing right there, but nobody reacted, except two students who decided to rebuild what once was lost. It was an imperial spa resort visited for the first time in 1852 by Franz Joseph and Empress Elisabeth “Sissi”.

Baile Herculane was doomed to decompose, but a new generation of people born after The 1989 Revolution who have not stepped a single foot into this place in its glorious days are willing to make an effort and bring it back to life.

The restauration of Herculane’s spa needs €12m. They already have a team of 25 volunteers involved in this project.

I see young and ambitious minds who are trying to repair what once was lost.

I am impressed about these good initiatives happening in Romania.

We can “destroy” years of abandonment in a good way by informing ourselves and the ones that come after us that architectural beauties can be restored and protected. It’s enough for one person to do the right thing and the rest will follow.

I don’t receive anything to talk about things that matter, I’m not doing advertising. I prefer to keep it simple, observe and remain Mijournali.