We don’t want everything we like, we just remember the beautiful things.

We like this and that this week:

  • India Mahdavi has her own colour palette when it comes to think and design spaces or objects. Outstanding interiors made by the interior designer like “At The Connaught”, “Sketch” or “Hôtel du Cloître” are leading us through visuals where different mixes of colours and materials (definitely) have the final say. If you are wondering what kind of petits objets she can create, you can take a look right here.

  • British Isle is something that I have seen/listening last year and today. If I’m writing or reading something, I like to have visuals around me or to discover nature even if I’m not there. Music without words and enchanting visuals from Our Planet can have a great power to make us feel more relaxed. Bon voyage!

  • Escoffier! When you pronounce this name…you can sense something powerful. Auguste Escoffier(1846–1935)  was born in France and he was a chef, a restaurateur and a culinary writer who transformed and took to the next level the french culinary methods. He worked in Paris at Ritz, but also Carlton and Savoy in London. Escoffier was all about discipline and the most important souvenir he left us was “Le guide Culinaire”. His work (techniques and recipes) remain a clear statement pour la vraie cuisine par tout le monde.

  • Indeed, negativity can have an immediate and more powerful force sometimes over the people and it is much easier to relate to negativity because positive habits are linked to discipline and self-care. If negativity will catch you without a protective barrier… it can create damages. What kind of good forces influence your life? In this precisely moment or in these times? We can all agree and find very fast in our minds many negative characters from movies or people that act in a certain way. You can become so good at being bad that you don’t even want to access this force. But the good part comes when you use it in a creative way. It can turn out to be a very good (internal) exchange of power. Joel Osteen is an incredible orator of our times. His messages are so well crafted! This kind gesture of planting good seeds inside our mind can shift every negative day or thought around instantly. I like him and I can say that he is the most powerful voice of positivity, of encouragement nowadays. This man can do good to any person in this World through his kind of communication/force. He is commited 100% to his purpose. His latest book “You are stronger than you think” is quite a treasure.
  • If you are a fashion lover or you want to discover important names in this exquisite industry, take a look at Diana Vreeland. She was a french-american modern woman, an exotic arbiter of style and “the one and only” fashion editor because she had an unmistakable vision and a certain sense of artistry. This “Empress of Fashion” was an expert editor at Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar for more than 30 years. You can discover a lovely documentary about her life or even read a book about her.

Kind regards,



We see so many things, we get bored so fast that sometimes the best stories are missed out just because we don’t concentrate on what’s important for us.

Comfort brings us in the same repeating cycle, but if we change the narrative or the way we look at others, we will eventually take steps towards clarity.

For what is good, what is worth sharing from my point of view, I will create time and make it happen on Mijournali.

Here is a list of beautiful links that can sparkle new ideas within yourself and expand your Universe.

Until next time… Enjoy!

Kind regards,


  1. I’ve seen a documentary on Netflix named “Fantastic Fungi” and when I think of it…Unbelievable! This misterious world is worth exploring. Paul Stamets wrote a book about this fantastic world called “Mycellium Running” and Sophia Roe does some nice cooking on Instagram regarding mushrooms. Also, I remember about a cool thing of how mushrooms can grow inside a museum. Watch here how mushrooms can grow from coffee grounds.
  2. Listening to others is one of the greatest ways of understanding ourselves. Here is a nice talk about praying and a special tour of a catholic church.
  3. When we are listening to our favourite sounds/songs, everything else becomes silence and we become free or we sense freedoom. Sergiu Celibidache’s interview about music can only make us richer and richer.
  4. How about beauty? This endless subject surrounds us day by day, but these seven minutes about aesthetics can become a very good choice to pamper our brains with.
  5. Behind stories and amazing projects we will always discover curious and focused minds. Watch this interview from Oh, DA! where you can find more about colours.
  6. This british architect is well known for his work among modern buildings made of steel and glass. He was also awarded with Pritzker Prize in 1999. Who could this person be? Check on this link.
  7. A unique kind of project made by Maarten Baas (dutch designer) took the attention of so many people passing through Amsterdam airport, Schiphol. The designer pays an homage to Piet Mondrian by using blue clothes, yellow rag and a red bucket. The interesting part comes from his idea to capture his activity on a camera. He practically erases an recreates the passing time, 24 hours a day, minute by minute. Find more about his work here.
  8. A beautiful book with visuals like Olivia Fraser’s art cannot be confused so easily. She has developed her detailed oriented drawings using ancient techniques. Wonderful graphics made by the british artist can be found on this short video.
  9. One of my favourite residential projects is Norm from Canada made by Alan Carle Architects. This particular project creates a sense of unity, a sense of quietness between volume and geometric structures. Vraiment impeccable!


Knock! Knock! Book! Book!

Another door/book is opening and now we expand ourselves…

Within a book, within a place, within a flower.

Gisele Bundchen – Lessons

“So where do you even begin? How can you unlock the door, or to put it another way, how can you jump outside the wheel? There is no best way. There’s your way. There are millions of different ways for us to get to know ourselves , and your method of diving deep is unique to you. Remember, we are all here to learn lessons. In my experience we get into trouble only when we follow others, instead of following our inner voice and own individual path-of course, always coming from love while respecting others. As I always remind my children, we must treat others as we would like to be treated. That’s why I encourage you to travel-in your head, in your heart, in your beliefs. You could begin by paying close attention to your thoughts, words, and actions. Or by starting a meditation practice. Or by asking yourself questions. Reading books. Getting inspired by people whose lives you admire. Seeking out others who are wise and compassionate from whom you can learn new things. Investigating ancient traditions and belief systems. Most of all, try to avoid being judgemental, of yourself and other people-and especially being righteous. The world is filled with people who claim that their way of doing things, or their belief system, is right, and others’ is wrong. Well, how do we even know what’s right and what’s wrong?

In the end, we all have a choice. Are we going to believe what other people say is true, or are we going to choose to search in ourselves to find our truth?

Put another way, if you’re inside the well, jump! I know-it takes courage. You don’t know what’s out there. Wherever you choose to go, I wish you safe, exciting journey, and that you may always be connected and guided by love.”


We don’t want everything we like, we just remember the beautiful things.

We like this and that this week:

  • Estelle Chemouny

A french woman that used to live in London. Colorful, creative, à la mode with a chic boutique named Paradise Garage. She also has a cool Instagram account: Estelle Chemouny

  • La Dolce Vita. Orient Express

Georges Nagelmackers launched the first luxury Orient Express 150 years ago.

What do you think about heritage, history, style, iconic itineraries? In 2023 passengers will experience a beautiful journey between the past and the present. The interior is made by Dimore Studio. Check out more about this reinvented dream: Orient Express

  • Hugo Toro

Hugo Toro is a great architectural designer based in Paris who made the scenography of Orient Express and the famous store Samaritaine. Sublime aesthetics. Check his work on website or watch his photos on Instagram.

  • Gisele Bundchen

I was enchanted to read her book: “Lessons. My path to a meaningful life”

Gisele talks about her family, discipline, health, food, environment.

What impressed me the most was the connexion she had with her first dog, Vida….

Gisele had no money when she arrived in New York. Passing by a dog store she immediately fell in love with a cute dog and took it forever in her life.

And that’s how she woke up having no money left to pay the rent but having Vida in her arms. 🙂

She even ended the book by saying thanks to Vida (her guardian angel).

Good lecture!

  • John Latham  (23 February 1921 – 1 January 2006)

A strange but enchanting exhibition I saw at Serpentine Gallery.

John Latham was a British pioneer of conceptual art.

Find more about his project here: “A World View

Kind regards,



Passing over the formal greetings and heading directly to some interesting information I have discovered along the time.

I must admit that sometimes I dig deep until I find impressive stories or short phrases within interviews, documentaries, books, movies, etc.

We see so many things, we get bored so fast that sometimes the best stories are missed out just because we don’t concentrate on what’s important to us.

A New Year doesn’t come by itself. Cheers! Cheers! and here it is! No way!

When we look back, we can observe that sharing, planting, nurturing the good thoughts and the good deeds are transforming the roads we didn’t took before.

Comfort brings us in the same repeating cycle, but if we change the narrative or the way we look at others, we will eventually take steps towards clarity.

Here is a list of beautiful interviews that I am sure can sparkle new ideas within yourself and expand your Universe.

I don’t have a perfect mind, neither I rule my life perfectly… but beautiful ideas are always worth sharing!

I’ve gathered eleven beautiful links. Until next time…Enjoy!

Kind regards,


  1. A lovely interview on Super Soul with Oprah Winfrey and Caroline Myss. A book of Caroline Myss took my attention and her authenticity. Watch this episode here: “Intuition, Power, Grace”.
  2. Daniel Amen introduces us into this fascinating computer of our body, the brain. Valuable information can be found here but also you can watch: The most important lesson from 83,000 brain scans , and he has an Instagram filled with so many great information: @doc_amen
  3. A very dedicated Neuroscience Professor named Andrew Huberman that you can find on Instagram: @hubermanlab or even discover him talking with Dr. David Sinclair right here: The Biology of Slowing & Reversing Aging
  4. A beautiful book of Najwa Zebian was “Welcome Home”. She is a talented Lebanese-Canadian writer. Absorbing words and lovely discussion with Ed Mylett can be found here: “These mountains that you are carrying, you were only meant to climb.”
  5. Impressive interview with a sensitive woman who lived her whole life on the streets. I might say that her realness, her suffering, her vulnerability surpasses many things because she is what she is. A beautiful and honest human being. Wonderful! Discover this story here: Prostitute interview-Exotic
  6. Positive habits! I have more people in my mind starting with my special Joel Osteen. He is amazing, by far. His simple and positive speech does wonders. Another relaxed mind is Sadhguru. I admire a strong woman like Joyce Meyer. She has an incredible life story. A real shaolin and a captivating mind is also Master Shi Heng Yi.
  7. A unique kind of man is Wim Hoff and the way he teaches us how to breath.
  8. A fabulous documentary about the creator of the famous and luxurious brand Ritz. It all started from Cesar Ritz, a man who was born in a family of thirteen children. He was a fast learner and his first job was a shoe polisher.
  9. A sublime talk of an interior designer I really enjoy and admire. Discover him here.
  10. When I think about Jordan Peterson, my mind goes directly to his book “12 rules for life” or “Beyond Order: 12 rules for life”. This video is a good introduction to discover him more. A great thinker of our days, a clinical psychologist and celebrated professor.
  11. Delightful is the sky of our life. The last one is a special documentary about the blue color.


Sa citesti, sa rasfoiesti

Magic, magic, cine stie?

Amarate si vesele vieti de jupanese si cucuoane – Constantin Gane

“Expresia de han, auberge, pentru hotel, era atunci obisnuita si a ramas apoi din generatie in generatie pana la sfarsitul veacului trecut. Batranii o mai intrebuintau inca pe la inceputul secolului nostru si contele de Castellane ne povesteste cu mult haz cum matusa lui, principesa Radziwill, care in viata ei nu mancase aiurea decat acasa la ea sau la prietenele ei, fiind poftita intr-o zi, prin 1910, de un mare personaj politic la hotel Ritz la Paris, unul dintre cele mai mari, mai luxoase si mai scumpe hoteluri din lume, scria nepotului ei: Figurez-vous ce qui m’est arrivé hier, j’ai dîné a l’auberge (inchipuiti-va ce mi s-a intamplat ieri, am pranzit intr-un han!).

La 25 si 26 april, nimic interesant. Doua scrisori scurte, din care se vede ca vremea fiind urata, coana Catinca n-a iesit din casa, decat o singura data pentru a pranzi la printul si printesa Cantacuzino, mare cinste si aceea fiindca Alexandru Matei Cantacuzino era mare sambelan al Curtii imperiale. Nevasta lui, Elisabeta, era o rusoaica nascuta Daragan.

La 27, cina la Caliarhi in cinstea lui Capodistria. Catinca Krupenski e asezata la dreapta cancelarului, care-i arata o prietenie de care biata femeie nu se mai dezmeticeste.

Dupa masa, in salon, Capodistria prezinta Catincai pe Manuc, vestitul Manuc Bei, armeanul-turco-rus, fabulos de bogat, fiul acelui Manuc Bei si el, care cu 30 de ani in urma cladise la Bucuresti cel dintai han al Capitalei, Hanul lui Manuc-Hotel Ritz de pe atunci-transformat mai tarziu in Hotel Dacia, care mai exista inca si azi pe locul unde era atunci, in Piata Sfantului Anton, pe ruinele vechii Curti domnesti. Catinca Krupenski il gaseste pe acest Manuc cat se poate de placut. Il a l’air bon et spirituel, bun si cu duh.

La 28 april, pranzul il ia la printii Gagarin, noii casatoriti de mai daunazi, iar cina avec maman chez la Pouchkine. O fi poate vorba de mama vestitului poet Puskin.

La 29, nimic. A fost la matusa ei Sturdza. La 30, i s-au adus doua doici, pe alese. Sunt amandoua atat de frumoase incat nu stie pe care sa aleaga. Je n’ai que l’embarras du choix, je les ferai visiter par la sage femme et je verrai laquelle a le meilleur lait.”