It’s probably a particular moment of wanting to give the “right response who survived” in front of what others will think of.
Real answers depend on what we are capable to imagine and one question is enough.

What is important?
The question I ask myself from time to time in silence.
Yes, this is me.
In different moments of my life I had other responses. In my childhood I was definitely influenced by other members of my family. What I was hearing back then was mostly religious, politics, history, mathematics subjects. I thought this is important….what “grown ups” talk about or tell me I should do in life when I’ll be older.
Seek yourself and make good things happen. We are all so different and beautiful. It would have been so sad and boring if we were all looking and acting the same.
Love, be thankful, create, protect yourself, preserve the nature, defend those who can’t by themselves, believe in something good, laugh, help and enjoy every morning when you wake up!
This life is our only gift. This one gift is important. Look in the mirror.