What do I see?
I see genius people who transform matter into art and sounds into a whole New World.
Those who intend to walk on this path are not just simply making things possible, but they are doing it in a new way.
There is one exception though, who does everything so incredible and has no equal. It’s so simple to figure it out. Look yourself in the mirror. Isn’t that all the science and the wonders of this World inside yourself? Yes, God has done everything perfectly and it will never stop, but here comes our job to maintain, flourish and share this act of creating.
At the core of our own existence, of everything that surrounds us, there is music, the sound itself. Starting from your beating heart to the last song you’ve heard today and gave you goosebumps.
After hearing a sound, the matter comes along through the act of thinking and visuals are starting to appear in our imagination.
If words are that powerful because it all started with “a word” when it was silence, what would you create?
You are already equipped with everything you need, so it means it’s up to you.
I had a great experience these days while I was listening to the latest album of Kanye West, “Donda”- named after his mother. I must mention that I don’t listen to this type of music on a regular basis, so it was a premier for myself.
I was definitely amazed by his incredible lyrics, collaborations, palette of sounds, not to mention about the touch of gospel…
I might say that Kanye is going to make history with this new album and I am sure he is already changing people’s lives with this positive approach.
If at the end of the day you still don’t have peace, it means you haven’t been used to the truth or nobody told you how powerful it is. If lies took the same appearance as the truth, you need to reconsider sounds, thoughts and words inside yourself.
When we find the right motives, we unfold ourselves and express it into colours, materials, ideas, words, books, objects, music, dance, movies, theatre, science, technology, sports and all other possible areas.
Madame Poly (art fashion type of artist) had material in her hands and managed to mix her abstract thoughts into a unique concept. When I see her artwork I can only think about a sacred landscape between silence, a beige rock, architecture and dried plants. Art is better when you feel it “live”.
The concept is named ABSTRACT STRUCTURES and you can read about it right on her Instagram: @madame_poly
I was in Bucharest few weeks ago and I have seen her art/fashion exposed at The National Museum of Art of Romania. You can still admire the fashion exhibition with many other creatives of UNARTE until 05.09.2021
Find more about this exhibition here: 50 ANI. SCOALA DE MODA DIN BUCURESTI.
What do I see?
I am seeing three names: Fred Rogers, David Attenborough and Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
Between the pages of “Little Prince”, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry reminds you to look with the heart, for most important things in this life are invisible.
“It’s you I like!” For more than 30 years, the TV host so called Mister Rogers kindly reminded to every single children (person) that he/she is special and the only way to have success in your own journey is to be kind.
Planet Earth has a voice: Sir David Attenborough. He still invites people to discover the wonders of our world within all his documentaries and writings. Nature is here long before us and will always be. We are not just consumers and while we live for a certain amount of time on this beautiful world, we can learn to be protectors and creators.
What these people have in common? Why am I thinking about them?
What if each child would receive on the day he is born a small suitcase with three important things inside? At the age of 7 they will find inside:
1. “The Little Prince” book by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
2. A stick with all the educational TV “real cartoons” of Mister Rogers.
3. A stick with documentaries about Planet Earth made by Sir David Attenborough.
And extra bonus could be a small pouch with 100 tree seeds to be planted by the kid along his childhood.
Maybe a personal suitcase received as a lifetime mission to accomplish, could transform future generations of children. They will be accustomed to believing in themselves, to be kind, to protect the nature and create beautiful things within their own minds.
What do I see?
I saw few sequences from a cartoon series called “Happy Tree Friends”! The title sounds exciting, isn’t it?
A specific program television counting 127 episodes that can be seen by everyone, even by the little children. Since when? Since 1999. At first glance it looks quite attractive for kids to watch these cartoons, though are dedicated to adults.
Sweet and colored characters are having a wonderful time until something unexpected happens. Some “creative” people thought that the world needed unfortunate events and deadly endings to make our days better and eventually a brighter and kind future for the little ones.
A “great” way to educate children by making them comfortable with violence, accidents and death? What could it mean for a little child to watch even one episode, on a mobile screen? I’m not in any position to be an example for anyone, but why pure hearts are not protected from this type of cartoons?
The program series has been banned in the United States and even Russia, but why they are still accessible on Youtube? I don’t know…
“Happy Tree Friends” was created by Mondo Media and watched for so many years on public televisions around the globe. You can see it on Youtube.
Described by IMDb: “A series of horrible sudden deaths keep happening to a group of creatures caused by themselves doing the most stupid things.”
I wonder if Fred Rogers saw this cartoons? He was the opposite of any bad thing in this world. You can see more here.
Unfortunately…after 21 years, these violent cartoons still exist.
Do you see?
It’s probably a particular moment of wanting to give “the right response who survived” in front of what others will think of.
Real answers depend on what we are capable to imagine and one last question is enough.
What do you wish to keep?
Honestly? I am obsessed with fragrances. I used to buy at least one little bottle of perfume per week. Scents play an optimistic role in my daily routine. Missing something? I’m sure there must be hidden in a forgotten bottle. Right in front of my open window walks her cute dog an old favourite neighbour. I can recognize when she’s outside without even looking, by smelling her signature, it literally flows in the air. I think she loves Guerlain.
Is there anyone who didn’t wished at least one perfume from this charming city?
Each day is special because there is “something in the making” in front of your house, around the corner or in a brasserie that follows to appear in a blink of an eye. Make two steps and a fresh coffee starts to call you by your name: “You need to wake up? Allez viens!”
A warm scent of tea, a puffy bread or sliced oranges could always take me back to the cozy place in Bucharest where my “small” family lives. If I could just receive a magic power, it would be to transform my beloved parents into everlasting angels. Quite understandable… to keep them for myself.
I wish to keep a secret place of mine, a huge garden with all the enchanting flowers of this world, to plant my own fruits and vegetables.
One day I’ll enjoy my first harvest. The garden exists already in my imagination and it smells like joy.
It’s probably a particular moment of wanting to give “the right response who survived” in front of what others will think of.
Real answers depend on what we are capable to imagine and one last question is enough.
What do you see?
Alina S.
I see myself as a little kid. This childhood of mine… I used to walk through the woods where my beloved grandparents took care of me in the best way they could. Between the trees and songbirds hides my favourite place in the world. If time could only slow down…
I feel unconditional love when I think of my grandparents. Maybe it’s about people, goodhearted people who support you from the very beginning. I love to feel protected, but also to protect others. After all, life is not about receiving.
I couldn’t see myself clearly without discipline because it gives me power even if we talk about controlling thoughts, actions or even how I respond to negative situations. Somehow, discipline is my power, so I improve it day by day.
I can’t have chaos as a friend and that is for certain. I couldn’t bear to see a dirty room or dirty dishes. No, thank you!
Most of the time I see pictures. Pictures on the streets, pictures on the internet, pictures after pictures. These pictures are exhausting and they lie. Send me a picture or “I can’t believe you without” sort of era. And these frames sell illusions. Everyone wants something. Eyes want to see but do they really know what it is? I see what others don’t. See you!
It’s probably a particular moment of wanting to give the “right response who survived” in front of what others will think of.
Real answers depend on what we are capable to imagine and one question is enough.
Time to?
Time to give myself some time. I wanna leave my office and go somewhere else to take a nap. When I’ll wake up, it should be the best time to dream about the outfit I’m going to “prepare” in order to feed my personality. I live for mixing and matching unthinkable materials and shapes. There is no such thing as “boring clothes”, there is only an unexploited imagination. Get to know yourself and then add some courage to your outfit. I love “my kind” of style because there is only me without any tendency.
Everytime it’s the best time to laugh, even when you sleep.
I should start the time for myself and for that I need to create something new from what I have right now. I don’t need something from the future, I only need the present time of being myself more and more.
“It’s not the right time”, shouldn’t exist in any kind of vocabulary.
Let’s have our time!
It’s probably a particular moment of wanting to give the “right response who survived” in front of what others will think of.
Real answers depend on what we are capable to imagine and one question is enough.
Behind the codes?
There’s a code for everything in this life. Behind a code it’s possible to be a person like me, prepared to search for the last detail in order to have the best answer.
I’ll figure it out by myself how to stay in the right position, how to fall, how to stand up, how to enjoy the ride, how to appreciate the moment. Everything else is temporary. What kind of code will I use just to be sure of my own balance? This ski run takes a lifetime. Why would I ever give up to something I’ve learned, experienced and enjoyed on my ride? I have designed an unbreakable code for the view, the ride, the feeling and it’s well kept in my memories.
The possibility of doing everything I can imagine by creating a code in front of the computer, encourages me to keep on doing what I like the most: being a programmer.
By putting the foot inside the ski boot, thoughts become actions and codes are getting pretty real.
I’ll get to the finish line exactly as a man that I wish to become. (by skiing)
It’s probably a particular moment of wanting to give the “right response who survived” in front of what others will think of.
Real answers depend on what we are capable to imagine and one question is enough.
What is important?
The question I ask myself from time to time in silence.
Yes, this is me.
In different moments of my life I had other responses. In my childhood I was definitely influenced by other members of my family. What I was hearing back then was mostly religious, politics, history, mathematics subjects. I thought this is important….what “grown ups” talk about or tell me I should do in life when I’ll be older.
Seek yourself and make good things happen. We are all so different and beautiful. It would have been so sad and boring if we were all looking and acting the same.
Love, be thankful, create, protect yourself, preserve the nature, defend those who can’t by themselves, believe in something good, laugh, help and enjoy every morning when you wake up!
This life is our only gift. This one gift is important. Look in the mirror.
It’s probably a particular moment of wanting to give the “right response who survived” in front of what others will think of.
Real answers depend on what we are capable to imagine and one question is enough.
Gioroc sau pe toc?
Povestea de care îmi amintesc cu nostalgie se întâmpla la începutul anilor ’90, imediat după revoluție. Am visat să-mi ofer o pereche de pantofi cu toc, făcuți pe comandă într-un atelier, nu departe de biserica Kretzulescu. “Toc” este un cuvânt puternic, chiar întărește feminitatea, spre deosebire de englezescul și temperatul “high heels”. Venise vara și plecasem ca de obicei la țară, la Gioroc, să mă recreez după Bacalaureat. Odată ajunsă acolo, verii mei mi-au spus că se organizează o horă mare în sat și toți tinerii sunt invitați.
Socoteam horele grozave , dar nu participam la ele. Cel mai mult îmi plăceau babele și moșii aflați la margine. Nu făceau decât să pălăvrăgească întruna și ne spionau cu ochi de vultur. Civilizația s-a învârtit în jurul bârfei, probabil că așa am evoluat, din curiozitate. Acum se numește “schimb de informație” sau “chit-chat”.
Eh, uite așa m-am urcat pe tocurile noi-nouțe și am plecat ca un arlechino spre horă. Uitasem de aspectul drumului pentru că era nisipos până la biserică. Am ajuns epuizată de atâta defileu, dar nu conta, eu pluteam în lumea feminității absolute. Aceasta a fost prima mea plimbare pe tocuri, prin nisip, la Gioroc.
De atunci multe s-au schimbat…
Nu am mai purtat tocuri, nu mai este nisip la Gioroc, iar horele au dispărut.
Aleg Giorocul, totuși. Deși timpul a trecut pe nesimțite, atunci cand mă întorc acolo, mă înalț visând cu aproximativ 8 cm deasupra ierbii.