Knock! Knock! Book! Book!

Another door/book is opening and now we expand ourselves…

Within a book, within a place, within a flower.

Joel Osteen – You are stronger than you think

“I read that one of the main causes of depression is not getting enough sleep. What am I saying? Pay attention to the practical things. You can’t go against natural laws and expect God to bless you. Too many times we end up unhealthy and not able to do what we used to. It wasn’t the enemy; it was the fact that we didn’t take care of our temple. You need recreation. You need to laugh and have fun. Laughter is medicine. Laughter releases stress and causes you to have more energy. My personality type is that I’m a hard worker, I’m driven, I’m determined, I like to accomplish things. We have so much going on that I could think about ministry and what to do next for twenty-four hours a day. But I’ve learned that if I don’t take time to exercise each week, I’m not going to be my best when I preach on the weekends. If I don’t take time to have fun with my family, go on bike rides, and play basketball, I’m not going to function at my highest level. You will be your most productive, your most effective, not when you’re working all the time, not when you’re putting in the most hours, but when you’re balanced physically, spiritually, and emotionally. If you neglect one area, it will lessen what you can accomplish. Many people are good at taking care of the physical and the emotional, but they don’t take care of the spiritual. There’s no conection to God. Your life will be more rewarding and more fulfilling when you’re in relationship with your Creator. He breathed life into you. He knows your purpose. He knows what you can accomplish. When you make Him part of your life, you’ll go further than you can in just your own ability and talent. The Scripture Says, “If you put Him first place, He’ll crown your efforts with success.” His favor on your life will take you where your talent could not take you. If you want to reach your highest potential, take care of the total you. Make your spiritual life a priority. When you get up in the morning, take time to thank God for the day. Don’t run out of the house stressed out, in a hurry. Start the day off with a grateful attitude. You don’t have to go through life weary. Maybe you need to make a practical adjustment today like Elijah did and start taking care of yourself. Or maybe it’s a change in your attitude, in how you’re seeing things. Weariness comes to us all, but you don’t have to allow it in. You may have been in a challenge a long time. You’re struggling with battle fatigue. This is a new day. God is breathing new life into your dreams. Dare to take hold of His strength. Get your fire back. When you feel weak, start declaring, “I’m strong.”

Courage is coming, energy is coming, vitality is coming. “


Knock! Knock! Book! Book!

Another door/book is opening and now we expand ourselves…

Within a book, within a place, within a flower.

Gisele Bundchen – Lessons

“So where do you even begin? How can you unlock the door, or to put it another way, how can you jump outside the wheel? There is no best way. There’s your way. There are millions of different ways for us to get to know ourselves , and your method of diving deep is unique to you. Remember, we are all here to learn lessons. In my experience we get into trouble only when we follow others, instead of following our inner voice and own individual path-of course, always coming from love while respecting others. As I always remind my children, we must treat others as we would like to be treated. That’s why I encourage you to travel-in your head, in your heart, in your beliefs. You could begin by paying close attention to your thoughts, words, and actions. Or by starting a meditation practice. Or by asking yourself questions. Reading books. Getting inspired by people whose lives you admire. Seeking out others who are wise and compassionate from whom you can learn new things. Investigating ancient traditions and belief systems. Most of all, try to avoid being judgemental, of yourself and other people-and especially being righteous. The world is filled with people who claim that their way of doing things, or their belief system, is right, and others’ is wrong. Well, how do we even know what’s right and what’s wrong?

In the end, we all have a choice. Are we going to believe what other people say is true, or are we going to choose to search in ourselves to find our truth?

Put another way, if you’re inside the well, jump! I know-it takes courage. You don’t know what’s out there. Wherever you choose to go, I wish you safe, exciting journey, and that you may always be connected and guided by love.”


Sa citesti, sa rasfoiesti

Magic, magic, cine stie?

Amarate si vesele vieti de jupanese si cucuoane – Constantin Gane

“Expresia de han, auberge, pentru hotel, era atunci obisnuita si a ramas apoi din generatie in generatie pana la sfarsitul veacului trecut. Batranii o mai intrebuintau inca pe la inceputul secolului nostru si contele de Castellane ne povesteste cu mult haz cum matusa lui, principesa Radziwill, care in viata ei nu mancase aiurea decat acasa la ea sau la prietenele ei, fiind poftita intr-o zi, prin 1910, de un mare personaj politic la hotel Ritz la Paris, unul dintre cele mai mari, mai luxoase si mai scumpe hoteluri din lume, scria nepotului ei: Figurez-vous ce qui m’est arrivé hier, j’ai dîné a l’auberge (inchipuiti-va ce mi s-a intamplat ieri, am pranzit intr-un han!).

La 25 si 26 april, nimic interesant. Doua scrisori scurte, din care se vede ca vremea fiind urata, coana Catinca n-a iesit din casa, decat o singura data pentru a pranzi la printul si printesa Cantacuzino, mare cinste si aceea fiindca Alexandru Matei Cantacuzino era mare sambelan al Curtii imperiale. Nevasta lui, Elisabeta, era o rusoaica nascuta Daragan.

La 27, cina la Caliarhi in cinstea lui Capodistria. Catinca Krupenski e asezata la dreapta cancelarului, care-i arata o prietenie de care biata femeie nu se mai dezmeticeste.

Dupa masa, in salon, Capodistria prezinta Catincai pe Manuc, vestitul Manuc Bei, armeanul-turco-rus, fabulos de bogat, fiul acelui Manuc Bei si el, care cu 30 de ani in urma cladise la Bucuresti cel dintai han al Capitalei, Hanul lui Manuc-Hotel Ritz de pe atunci-transformat mai tarziu in Hotel Dacia, care mai exista inca si azi pe locul unde era atunci, in Piata Sfantului Anton, pe ruinele vechii Curti domnesti. Catinca Krupenski il gaseste pe acest Manuc cat se poate de placut. Il a l’air bon et spirituel, bun si cu duh.

La 28 april, pranzul il ia la printii Gagarin, noii casatoriti de mai daunazi, iar cina avec maman chez la Pouchkine. O fi poate vorba de mama vestitului poet Puskin.

La 29, nimic. A fost la matusa ei Sturdza. La 30, i s-au adus doua doici, pe alese. Sunt amandoua atat de frumoase incat nu stie pe care sa aleaga. Je n’ai que l’embarras du choix, je les ferai visiter par la sage femme et je verrai laquelle a le meilleur lait.”


Sa citesti, sa rasfoiesti

Magic, magic, cine stie?

O scurta istorie a romanilor povestita celor tineri – Neagu Djuvara

“Dar sa nu-i numim inca romani pe descendentii dacoromanilor- pentru ca romani nu avem inca dreptul sa le zicem decat atunci cand exista o limba romana, iar limba romana se naste cand are loc o simbioza, adica o influenta reciproca si in cele din urma un amestec intre fostii dacoromani si slavi. Daca nu-i putem numi romani, atunci cum sa le spunem? Sa le zicem “valahi”.

De ce? Valah nu e un termen peiorativ, cum ar vrea unii straini rau intentionati sa-l considere. Valah e un nume foarte nobil, dat de germanici tuturor romanilor, pornind de la numele unui trib celt care se numea Volcae, asezat pe unde sunt azi Elvetia si Austria.

Acestia s-au romanizat, astfel incat germanii, vecinii lor, cu vremea au numit volcae pe toti romanii, pe toti cei ce vorbeau limba latina.

Asa se explica faptul ca, din insulele britanice si pana la noi, de-a lungul granitei intre germanici si fostul imperiu roman, au ramas nuclee care poarta inca un nume provenit din volcae. Ati auzit de Tara Galilor in Marea Britanie, provincie care, ca si in Scotia, se afla la nord de Anglia propriu-zisa, ambele locuite de ramasite din vechea populatie celta a insulei. Ei bine, numele Tarii Galilor, ce se cheama Wales pe englezeste, are aceeasi originie cu Valahia! Si daca coboram in Europa continentala, valonii din Belgia, adica aceia care vorbesc franceza in Belgia, poarta tot un nume provenit din volcae.”


În engleză

Să citești, să răsfoiești

Magic, magic, cine știe?


Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone – J.K. Rowling

” ‘It’s the best place for him, said Dumbledore firmly. ‘His aunt and uncle will be able to explain everything to him when he’s older. I’ve written them a letter.’

‘A letter?’ repeated Professor McGonagall faintly, sitting back down on the wall. ‘Really, Dumbledore, you think you can explain all this in a letter? These people will never understand him! He’ll be famous – a legend – I wouldn’t be surprised if today was known as Harry Potter Day in the future – there will be books written about Harry – every child in our world will know his name!’

‘Exactly’, said Dumbledore, looking very seriously over the top of his half-moon glasses. ‘It would be enough to turn any boy’s head. Famous before he can walk and talk! Famous for something he won’t even remember! Can’t you see how much better off he’ll be, growing up away from all that until he’s ready to take it?’

Professor McGonagall opened her mouth, changed her mind, swallowed and then said, ‘Yes – yes, you’re right, of course. But how is the boy getting here, Dumbledore?’ She eyed his cloak suddenly as though she thought he might be hiding Harry underneath it.

‘Hagrid’s bringing him.’

‘You think it – wise – to trust Hagrid with something as important as this?’

‘I would trust Hagrid with my life, ‘ said Dumbledore.”



Pe română

Că-i mai bine

Câte o frază (sau mai multe) dintr-o carte

Să citești, să răsfoiești

Joie de vivre, cine știe?


“Sfaturile unui diavol bătrân către unul mai tânăr” – C.S. Lewis

O carte captivantă despre o viață de om privită din perspectiva Diavolului.

C.S. Lewis este cel care a scris și “Cronicile din Narnia”.

Păstrăm neuronii în viață! Pe joi!


“Cântul și liniștea – cât le detest pe amândouă! Să fim recunoscători că încă de când Tatăl Nostru a intrat în Iad – deși asta a fost în urmă cu un timp pe care oamenii, chiar măsurând în ani-lumină, nu l-ar putea exprima – nici un milimetru pătrat de spațiu infernal și nici o clipă din timpul infernal n-au fost încredințate vreuneia dintre aceste forțe abominabile, ci peste tot a domnit zgomotul – zgomotul, marele dinamism, expresia audibilă a tot ce este exuberant, intransigent și viril -, zgomot care, singur, ne apără de aberațiile conștiinței, de îndoieli disperate și imposibile dorințe. Într-un final, vom transforma universul tot într-un mare zgomot.”


Pe română

Că-i mai bine

Câte o frază ( sau mai multe) dintr-o carte

Să citești, să răsfoiești

Joie de vivre, cine știe?


“Curajul de a nu fi pe placul celorlalți” – Ichiro Kishimi, Fumitake Koga

O carte plăcută, ușor de citit, sub forma unui dialog constructiv.

Autor japonez? Filosof japonez? Unde mai pui că discuțiile jonglează prin teoriile lui Alfred Adler.

O carte de citit în Sala Oglinzilor de la Versailles, fără vizitatori.  Nu este despre titlu, ci mai degrabă despre cunoașterea și relaxarea cu privire la propria persoană. Aici nu merge cu “fake it till you make it”.

Păstrăm neuronii în viață! Pe joi!

” Filosoful: Un sentiment de inferioritate normal nu vine din comparația cu alții, ci din comparația cu sinele ideal.

Tânărul: Dar…

Filosoful: Uite ce este, cu toții suntem diferiți. După gen, vârstă, nivel de cunoaștere, experiență, trăsături fizice – nu există doi oameni identici. Să acceptăm încrezători faptul ca alții sunt diferiți de noi. Și nici noi nu suntem identici cu ei, ci egali.

Filosoful: Exact. Fiecare este altfel. Nu confunda diferența asta cu aceea dintre bine și rău, dintre superior și inferior. Oricare ar fi diferențele dintre noi, suntem egali.


Filosoful: Greșesti profund. Uite, noi nu trăim pentru a satisface așteptările celorlalți.

Tânărul: Ce înseamnă asta?

Filosoful: Dorința disperată de a fi recunoscut duce către o viață în care urmezi așteptările altor oameni, care vor să fii “un anumit tip de persoană”.

Cu alte cuvinte, renunți la ce ești tu de fapt și trăiești viața altora. “


Photo: Andrea Ferrari

Few companies of interior design can manage to maintan the same peculiar tempo in exhibitions, hotels, restaurants or retail just like Dimore Studio does. The main visual expression could be the simplicity of being sophisticated. While entering a room, versatile combinations of materials and elegant shapes can easily steal your attention, but the most interesting thing is that objects individually understood can express a whole.

The inventive and eccentric protagonists behind Dimore Studio are Emiliano Salci and Britt Moran.

Below, there is a selection of visual souvenirs from the residential sphere and it can teach us that “different” it’s not “something new”, maybe we are more accustomed to certain choices when we decorate or feel a space.

Dimore Studio, Milano / Photo: Emanuele Zamponi, Beppe Brancato


Dimore Studio, Milano / Photo: Andrea Ferrari



Dimore Studio, Berlin / Photo: Beppe Brancato


Dimore Studio, Firenze / Photo: Andrea Ferrari


Dimore Studio, Paris / Photo: Alexis Armanet


Dimore Studio, Firenze / Photo: Andrea Ferrari



Fred Rogers 

Filmul urmează să apară și la noi, însă trailerul îl poți vedea aici: A beautiful day in the neighborhood

Dacă te interesează să descoperi mai mult despre acest model de bunătate, poți citi “The good neighbor” sau viziona filmul său documentar: “Won’t you be my neighbor?”

Fred Rogers (1928-2003)

“It’s you I like,
It’s not the things you wear,
It’s not the way you do your hair–
But it’s you I like
The way you are right now,
The way down deep inside you–
Not the things that hide you,
Not your toys–
They’re just beside you.

But it’s you I like–
Every part of you,
Your skin, your eyes, your feelings
Whether old or new.
I hope that you’ll remember
Even when you’re feeling blue
That it’s you I like,
It’s you yourself,
It’s you, it’s you I like. “

Photo source: Cinemagia 



In our first post , since Mijournali was born, we talked about this incredible kind man called Fred Rogers.

We hope you’ll get to see a special movie (documentary): “Won’t you be my neighbour?”

It’s about every inner child that somehow we forget it exists, kindness and love. Make yourself a present by watching this remarkable movie.

Your beautiful neighbour will smile from up above and you will hear his voice by saying: “I like you just the way you are!”