It’s probably a particular moment of wanting to give the “right response who survived” in front of what others will think of.

Real answers depend on what we are capable to imagine and one question is enough.


Behind the codes?


There’s a code for everything in this life. Behind a code it’s possible to be a person like me, prepared to search for the last detail in order to have the best answer.

I’ll figure it out by myself how to stay in the right position, how to fall, how to stand up, how to enjoy the ride, how to appreciate the moment. Everything else is temporary. What kind of code will I use just to be sure of my own balance? This ski run takes a lifetime.  Why would I ever give up to something I’ve learned, experienced and enjoyed on my ride? I have designed an unbreakable code for the view, the ride, the feeling  and it’s well kept in my memories.

The possibility of doing everything I can imagine by creating a code in front of the computer, encourages me to  keep on doing what I like the most: being a programmer.

By putting the foot inside the ski boot, thoughts become actions and codes are getting pretty real.

I’ll get to the finish line exactly as a man that I wish to become. (by skiing)



It’s probably a particular moment of wanting to give the “right response who survived” in front of what others will think of.

Real answers depend on what we are capable to imagine and one question is enough.



What is important?

The question I ask myself from time to time in silence.

Yes, this is me.

In different moments of my life I had other responses. In my childhood I was definitely influenced by other members of my family. What I was hearing back then was mostly religious, politics, history, mathematics subjects. I thought this is important. What “grown ups” talk about or tell me I should do in life when I’ll be older.

Seek yourself and make good things happen. What? Whatever makes you happy. We are so different and beautiful. It would have been so sad and boring if we were all looking and acting the same.

Love, be thankful, create, protect yourself, preserve the nature, defend those who can’t by themselves, believe in something good, laugh, help and enjoy every morning when you wake up!

This life is our only gift. This one gift is important. Look in the mirror.


It’s probably a particular moment of wanting to give the “right response who survived” in front of what others will think of.

Real answers depend on what we are capable to imagine and one question is enough.


Gioroc sau pe toc?


Povestea de care îmi amintesc cu nostalgie se întâmpla la începutul anilor ’90, imediat după revoluție. Am visat să-mi ofer o pereche de pantofi cu toc, făcuți pe comandă într-un atelier, nu departe de biserica Kretzulescu. “Toc” este un cuvânt puternic, chiar întărește feminitatea, spre deosebire de englezescul și temperatul “high heels”. Venise vara și plecasem ca de obicei la țară, la Gioroc, să mă recreez după Bacalaureat. Odată ajunsă acolo, verii mei mi-au spus că se organizează o horă mare în sat și toți tinerii sunt invitați.

Socoteam horele grozave , dar nu participam la ele. Cel mai mult îmi plăceau babele și moșii aflați la margine. Nu făceau decât să pălăvrăgească întruna și ne spionau cu ochi de vultur. Civilizația s-a învârtit în jurul bârfei, probabil că așa am evoluat, din curiozitate. Acum se numește “schimb de informație” sau “chit-chat”.

Eh, uite așa m-am urcat pe tocurile noi-nouțe și am plecat ca un arlechino spre horă. Uitasem de aspectul drumului pentru că era nisipos până la biserică. Am ajuns epuizată de atâta defileu, dar nu conta, eu pluteam în lumea feminității absolute. Aceasta a fost prima mea plimbare pe tocuri, prin nisip, la Gioroc.

De atunci multe s-au schimbat…

Nu am mai purtat tocuri, nu mai este nisip la Gioroc, iar horele au dispărut.

Aleg Giorocul, totuși. Deși timpul a trecut pe nesimțite, atunci cand mă întorc acolo, mă înalț visând cu aproximativ 8 cm deasupra ierbii.



It’s probably a particular moment of wanting to give the “right response who survived” in front of what others will think of.

Real answers depend on what we are capable to imagine and one question is enough.


Favourite weather?


After 53 years of memories and gratitude, let me tell you I prefer the morning dew. What can be more magic than that? The purity of a new day while sitting on my chair.

The silk flows between my hands while watching my joy with curly hair.

The fulfillment captures my eyes and gently embroids the story of a new dress.

My table has an elegant history, I often say she has character. It took her a lot of strenght to be that still.


It’s probably a particular moment of wanting to give the “right response who survived” in front of what others will think of.

Real answers depend on what we are capable to imagine and one question is enough.

To love once more?


To love all the time, to love everyhthing on your path.

To love once more like it’s for the first time.

I make sure to be dressed everytime in my kind of material, respecting the right proportions. Happiness will be responsable to conture another dress for me and what else is more suitable than to look in the mirror and see a huge amount of love in it?


It’s probably a particular moment of wanting to give the “right response who survived” in front of what others will think of.

Real answers depend on what we are capable to imagine and one question is enough.


Why do you want to be the best?

Marius: For me? To be important.

Even if it’s about a ping-pong game, taking risks on financial markets, planting a flower or creating in this world of computers a self-conscious code, good things happen when you really focus on it.

Everything flows and evolves in this small circle where is only you and your dream.

I always think like that: Why a person can do incredible things and I can’t do them?

I still remember one piece of advice my neighbour gave me since I was 10 years old: “There is no I can’t, it’s in fact I don’t want!”

We can be important. As long as we live once, why not?


Fortunately, with so many expresions of beauty waiting to be discovered around the world, for all tastes and dreams, there will always be some outstanding destinations embroided with charm.

With some of these places you can easily fall in love for their individual aestethics.

From hotels, restaurants, exhibitions, stores, buildings, museums and galleries, you will find from time to time a list of choices that somehow stand up through their history and uniqueness. Admiration and curiosity “are a must” in each step of this journey of what we daily discover and catches not only our eyes, but our hearts too.

Today’s list:

1. The Pig, Hampshire

Instagram: @thepig_hotel

2. Palmenhaus Brasserie, Wien

Instagram: @palmenhausbrasserie

3. National Museum, Stockholm

Instagram: @nationalmuseumswe

4. Gaya, Paris

Instagram: @restaurantgaya

5. Eataly Flatiron, New York

Instagram: @eatalyflatiron

6. Kensho, Mykonos

Instagram: @kenshomykonos

7. Raw, Milano

Instagram: @raw_milano

8. Horniman Museum and Gardens, London

Instagram: @hornimanmuseumgardens

9. Kaiamo, Bucharest

Instagram: @kaiamo

10. Arpege, Paris

Instagram: @alain_passard