I wouldn’t call it a moodboard, but certain things are joggling in my head. For those who are willing to keep an open eye: Play!

Playboard of this week:

1. A painting

“Highland Music” – Sir Edwin Henry Landseer

“The humble pleasures of everyday life in the Highlands.”

Sir Edwin Henry Landseer; Highland Music ?1829, exhibited 1830, Tate N00411, digital image, © Tate released under Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND (3.0 Unported)

Read more about this painting here .

2. An object:

“Bubble Side Table”

Photo: Daniel Cochran

A playful small side table created by an artist called Steven Bukowski from New York City. The object is made from solid maple.

Discover more of his work here.

3.  A bag


Buy it or do it yourself? Both options are great! Cotton or linen? Colourful or neutral? Instead a plastic bag (harmful for nature) with no kind of personality, why not having one of yours? One talented Poly explains along with Helen how to create your own reusable snack bag right here. 

Find more about “La Croitorie” on their website. 

4. A place

Bleu Minuit


Somewhere in Obersteinbach nature becomes your closest friend.

The lodge is located in the Vosge Nature Park,  between the border of Germany and France.

What can be more relaxing than waking up with a blue sky above?

Bleu Minuit! You can read about it here.


What do I see?

I am seeing three names: Fred Rogers, David Attenborough and Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

Between the pages of “Little Prince”, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry reminds you to look with the heart, for most important things in this life are invisible.

“It’s you I like!” For more than 30 years, the TV host so called Mister Rogers kindly reminded to every single children (person) that he/she is special and the only way to have success in your own journey is to be kind.

Planet Earth has a voice: Sir David Attenborough. He still invites people to discover the wonders of our world within all his documentaries and writings. Nature is here long before us and will always be. We are not just consumers and while we live for a certain amount of time on this beautiful world, we can learn to be protectors and creators.

What these people have  in common? Why am I thinking about them?

What if each child would receive on the day he is born a small suitcase with three important things inside? At the age of 7 they will find inside:

1. “The Little Prince” book by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

2.  A stick with all the educational TV “real cartoons” of Mister Rogers.

3.  A stick with documentaries about Planet Earth made by Sir David Attenborough.

And extra bonus could be a small pouch with 100 tree seeds to be planted by the kid along his childhood.

Maybe a personal suitcase received as a lifetime mission to accomplish, could transform future generations of children. They will be accustomed to believing in themselves, to be kind, to protect the nature and create beautiful things within their own minds.


Pe română

Că-i mai bine

Câte o frază ( sau mai multe) dintr-o carte

Să citești, să răsfoiești

Joie de vivre, cine știe?


“Curajul de a nu fi pe placul celorlalți” – Ichiro Kishimi, Fumitake Koga

O carte plăcută, ușor de citit, sub forma unui dialog constructiv.

Autor japonez? Filosof japonez? Unde mai pui că discuțiile jonglează prin teoriile lui Alfred Adler.

O carte de citit în Sala Oglinzilor de la Versailles, fără vizitatori.  Nu este despre titlu, ci mai degrabă despre cunoașterea și relaxarea cu privire la propria persoană. Aici nu merge cu “fake it till you make it”.

Păstrăm neuronii în viață! Pe joi!

” Filosoful: Un sentiment de inferioritate normal nu vine din comparația cu alții, ci din comparația cu sinele ideal.

Tânărul: Dar…

Filosoful: Uite ce este, cu toții suntem diferiți. După gen, vârstă, nivel de cunoaștere, experiență, trăsături fizice – nu există doi oameni identici. Să acceptăm încrezători faptul ca alții sunt diferiți de noi. Și nici noi nu suntem identici cu ei, ci egali.

Filosoful: Exact. Fiecare este altfel. Nu confunda diferența asta cu aceea dintre bine și rău, dintre superior și inferior. Oricare ar fi diferențele dintre noi, suntem egali.


Filosoful: Greșesti profund. Uite, noi nu trăim pentru a satisface așteptările celorlalți.

Tânărul: Ce înseamnă asta?

Filosoful: Dorința disperată de a fi recunoscut duce către o viață în care urmezi așteptările altor oameni, care vor să fii “un anumit tip de persoană”.

Cu alte cuvinte, renunți la ce ești tu de fapt și trăiești viața altora. “


I wouldn’t call it a moodboard, but certain things are joggling in my head. For those who are willing to keep an open eye: Play!

Playboard of this week:

1. A painting

“The Cholmondeley Ladies” ( Unknown Artist, c. 1600 )

“Two Ladies of the Cholmondeley Family, Who were born the same day, Married the same day, And brought to Bed [gave birth] the same day”.

Unknown artist, Britain; The Cholmondeley Ladies, c.1600-10, Tate T00069 ,digital image © Tate released under Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND (3.0 Unported)

Read more about this painting here.

2. An object

“Fat One”

Photo: Erik & Petra Hesmerg

This is quite an interesting object created by a dutch designer, named Aldo Bakker. “Fat One” was made from silver and has the shape of an apple. 

Discover more of his work here.

3.  A dress


Pajama? Kimono? A brand that unfolds what should be kept private and makes it even chic to walk around… covered in silk.

Understandable For Resteless Sleepers!

4. A book

A charming book filled with unique and fragile paintings of a talented romanian artist.

The book: Ștefan Câlția. Locuri

Follow his activity here.


What do I see?

I saw few sequences from a cartoon series called “Happy Tree Friends”! The title sounds exciting, isn’t it?

A specific program television counting 127 episodes that can be seen by everyone, even by the little children. Since when? Since 1999. At first glance it looks quite attractive for kids to watch these cartoons, though are dedicated to adults.

Sweet and colored characters are having a wonderful time until something unexpected happens. Some “creative” people thought that the world needed unfortunate events and deadly endings to make our days better and eventually a brighter and kind future for the little ones.

A “great” way to educate children by making them comfortable with violence, accidents and death? What could it mean for a little child to watch even one episode, on a mobile screen? I’m not in any position to be an example for anyone, but why pure hearts are not protected from this type of cartoons?

The program series has been banned in the United States and even Russia, but why they are still accessible on Youtube? I don’t know…

“Happy Tree Friends” was created by Mondo Media and watched for so many years on public televisions around the globe. You can see it on Youtube.

Described by IMDb: “A series of horrible sudden deaths keep happening to a group of creatures caused by themselves doing the most stupid things.”

I wonder if Fred Rogers saw this cartoons? He was the opposite of any bad thing in this world. You can see more here.

Unfortunately…after 21 years, these violent cartoons still exist.

Do you see?




Photo: Andrea Ferrari

Few companies of interior design can manage to maintan the same peculiar tempo in exhibitions, hotels, restaurants or retail just like Dimore Studio does. The main visual expression could be the simplicity of being sophisticated. While entering a room, versatile combinations of materials and elegant shapes can easily steal your attention, but the most interesting thing is that objects individually understood can express a whole.

The inventive and eccentric protagonists behind Dimore Studio are Emiliano Salci and Britt Moran.

Below, there is a selection of visual souvenirs from the residential sphere and it can teach us that “different” it’s not “something new”, maybe we are more accustomed to certain choices when we decorate or feel a space.

Dimore Studio, Milano / Photo: Emanuele Zamponi, Beppe Brancato


Dimore Studio, Milano / Photo: Andrea Ferrari



Dimore Studio, Berlin / Photo: Beppe Brancato


Dimore Studio, Firenze / Photo: Andrea Ferrari


Dimore Studio, Paris / Photo: Alexis Armanet


Dimore Studio, Firenze / Photo: Andrea Ferrari