

Iti mai amintesti de ultima oara cand ti-ai adresat cateva randuri? Ti-ai promis vreodata ceva ce nu ai spus nimanui?

Nu exista coincidente, mai ales cand esti deschis sa oferi, iar cand trebuie sa se intample, se intampla.

“IN SPATELE RAFTULUI: IN CAUTAREA BIBLIOTECILOR DE MAINE” este un proiect care a adus mai multi artisti intr-un scop comun, si cum nu exista coincidente, asa l-am intalnit pe Thomas Marinescu (Felicitari!), un tanar vizionar, imbracat intr-o salopeta din jeans si o caciula de culoarea fisticului pe cap, care m-a invitat printr-un “Be kind!”, sa regandesc conceptul din spatele mesei/urnei create din panouri. (materiale reciclate ecopanel)

Evenimentul te invita sa reflectezi la felul in care va arata o biblioteca peste 100 de ani.

De ce scriu despre acest eveniment? Pentru ca am avut de regandit conceptul prin care vizitatorii sunt incurajati sa interactioneze si sa se exprime prin intermediul desenului sau al cuvintelor.

Vizitatorii din cadrul Bibliotecii Nationale a Romaniei au fost invitati sa se exprime prin intermediul cuvintelor/desenului si sa isi promita ceva important prin redactarea unei scrisori ce va avea ca destinatar: propria persoana. (Bineinteles, cu angajamentul organizatorilor de a o expedia peste 5 ani de zile la domiciliu)

Expozitia cuprinde:

  • Modulul Book Your Time HUB, un prototip de biblioteca mobila, premiat la Anuala de Arhitectura Bucuresti 2024 (A.ttune ArchiLab)
  • Modulul Book Your Time HUB 2.0, prototip de biblioteca mobila din materiale reciclate (A.ttune ArchiLab)
  • Modelul Wunderkammer 2.0, un prototip al cabinetului curiozitatilor” realizat din materiale reciclate – plastic reciclat si blocuri de mycelium (Asociatia Arhitectura Celuilalt)
  • Proiectul Common Waste, Common Libraries (Goethe Institute)
  • Terrariu, (Centrul de Studii Vizuale)
  • Puzzle din material reciclat (PlasticAfterLife)
  • Statie Print It Yourself (Asociatia Casa Buna)
  • Bookcycle (MyColLab)
  • Harta Bibliotecilor Publice din Bucuresti (Alex Axinte)
  • Ruined Resonance (Denis Flueraru)

Chiar daca nu putem participa la evenimente sau programul ne este mai incarcat, acesta este genul de eveniment care poate fi gandit si expus la o scara mult mai larga, respectiv intr-o statie de metrou, intr-o gara, intr-un aeroport (spatii publice), etc.

Practicabilitatea unei scrisori devenea ulterior o intreaga expozitie in mintea lui Thomas, pentru ca si-a redactat o scrisoare acum un an de zile, iar o prietena i-a returnat-o in luna Noiembrie, luna in care urma sa implineasca 30 de ani.

Este o actiune, un gest frumos care invita “our daily bombarded minds” la un moment de liniste, la o scrisoare.

Putem apela la cineva de incredere sa ne expedieze aceasta scrisoare la o data stabilita, si meanwhile….sa indeplinim ceea ce ne promitem noua insine. Suntem si devenim “the work we do today with ourselves”.

Masti am pus, experiente care ne-au aratat ca nu avem incredere in noi insine am tot avut, dar am observat ca increderea care vine de la Dumnezeu bate totul. Bate emotia. Bate trecutul. Bate negativul. De ce? Pentru ca la inceput a fost “Cuvantul”. Asadar, cuvantul este mai puternic decat emotia.

We become the promises we make to ourselves, but they really have to be ours.

Mai jos va las textul/concept regandit de mine si cateva photos for the sake of empowering our “digital thoughts”.

And why not? Make it happen! Nu exista nimeni intre tine si tine care sa te poate opri din a face ceva nou, mai ales ca 2025 bate la usa.

Daca tot facem “matching couple” cu alegerile. Cert este ca aici nu votezi, dar sigur te alegi pe tine.

Ce ti-ai promite tie insuti? Mandatul tau…. 5 ani de acum incolo?




















Biblioteca modulara “BOOK YOUR TIME HUB”

Thomas Marinescu

Call to action: Spor la scrisori!

Last but not least: Thank you, God!




We don’t want everything we like, we just remember the beautiful things.

We like this and that this week:

1. Did you forget to throw the garbage bag again? So many discussions can be avoided just by doing the right thing. We salute the idea of a food recycler doing “our little job”. Sustainable, bottomless and designed in a minimal way, Mill stands up to be the almost perfect kitchen bin, preventing waste and upgrading our homes. Find more about this modern object here.

    2. Power Plant was one of the most eye catching Christmas Tree installation for the festive season. The object was created by a London-based design studio, Isabel and Helen and it can be admired until 7th January at Victoria and Albert Museum (London). The main inspiration around this unconventional installation came straight from the night sky, the movement of planets, satellites and stars. Discover more of Isabel Gibson and Helen Chesner’s projects here.

    3. Maarten Baas stands out as a gatekeeper of “crafted moments” with each conceptual reinterpretation of the 12-hour films indicating the “Real Time”. Since we are travelling through time and another year has come into existence, check out this clock (analog/digital) that stands between art and design in Schiphol’s Airport (Amsterdam) since 2016. The story behind this object was inspired by the almost invisible janitors that are daily cleaning the airport while millions of travelers pass them by. The creator is paying homage to Piet Mondrian by using “the iconic colors” (red, yellow, blue) for the bucket, the rag and the uniform. Find more about Maarten Baas’s exquisite work here.

    4. Why not strolling and discovering charming streets and quiet places while this festive season still unfolds in front of us. Small hint: Behind the green marble you’ll find a red hat.

    A discreet place like Cotroceni can be a great choice to admire architectural beauties while enjoying a coffee or a matcha latte from Zissou. You’ll taste all sorts of coffee flavours from all over the world. They also bring “material” from April (a concept coffee store based on Coppenhagen)

    Located very close to National Library of Romania, you’ll come across another cute and kind of nordic place named Trofic. When you’re in need for specialty coffee, tasty brunches and treats, here it is. I think well of their speciality coffee brought directly from Origo.

    Intimate and not so known places often bring the savour that we really need while strolling in the city.

    A Blessed New Year!

    Best regards,




    Photo Source: Instagram

    “On ne voit bien qu’avec le coeur. L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

    Nu se vede cu ochiul liber, dar este peste tot. Ce? Dragostea, bunatatea, indurarea, mila Lui Dumnezeu.

    Ce e in inima? Cum e acolo? Pai… e ocupata inima cu multe lucruri. Pentru tot avem loc, dar nu pentru EL, desi sediul fiintei Lui este in inima.

    Atunci cand este primit, toata lumea trebuie sa iasa afara. In locul sfant, in inima, doar un Imparat poate sa domneasca. Nu poti sa ai toata lumea impachetata, dar si un Imparat pitit intr-un coltisor mic. Nu putem sa fim nici pe jumatate. De ce? Pentru ca un Imparat domneste peste tot. Un fel de think global and act local.

    Negociem? “Asteapta afara, Imparate!” Eu am de sarbatorit putin si in toate felurile. Te chem eu cand ma simt rau, cand nu mai stiu ce sa fac cu “experientele” mele. Sa faca Imparatul cum vrem noi, nu? Zile, saptamani, ani. Inseamna ca EU sunt Imparat. Si ne lasa sa facem cum vrem noi, cum ne crosetam noi. Asa sa fie!

    “Iată, Eu stau la ușă și bat! Dacă aude cineva glasul Meu și deschide ușa, voi intra la el și voi cina cu el, și el cu Mine. Celui ce învinge îi voi da dreptul să șadă împreună cu Mine pe tronul Meu, tot așa cum și Eu am învins și am șezut împreună cu Tatăl Meu pe tronul Lui. Cine are urechi să audă ce zice bisericilor Duhul!»“.

    Este vorba despre usa inimii. Nu sta dupa noi. Dumnezeu este Bun ca ne-a tinut pana acum. De ce ne tine? Ne tine pentru ca indurarea Lui este vesnica. (Psalm 136)

    Cand invatam sa-L punem pe Dumnezeu primul, toate celelalte ni se vor da pe deasupra. Astazi am aflat ca pleaca si se intoarce iar. Pleaca daca nu este primit. Se intoarce doar ca sa implineasca “Cuvantul”. Bine ar fi sa ne gaseasca pe cei mai multi dintre noi cu inima plina de dragostea Lui.

    Dumnezeu ne directioneaza pasii. Ne pune deoparte, ne izoleaza, ne curata, ne restaureaza. Nu ne judeca. Ne spune doar sa nu mai repetam “greseala”. Ne punem nadejdea in alti oameni? Nu. Daca traim in intuneric si nu credem in nimic? No worries. “There’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.”

    Fiecare are de trecut un “next level” in propria lui calatorie. Drumul este personal.

    Avem doar falsa impresie ca mai atenuam din cadere daca mai aratam cu degetul spre altul. E linistitor sa iti imaginezi ca vecinul “e mai rau decat mine”.

    Ce e cu inima asta a noastra? In Ieremia 17:9 este scris: “Inima noastra e nespus de inselatoare si deznadajduit de rea. Cine poate s-o cunoasca? Eu, Domnul, cercetez inima si cerc rarunchii, ca sa rasplatesc fiecaruia dupa purtarea lui, dupa rodul faptelor lui.”

    Ne plac cuvintele, ne plac asa de mult. Ne frezam cu ele, ne tocam in bucati, dar cuvintele nu fac decat sa astupe multitudinea gandurilor. Atunci cand linistea se naste… mai este ceva de astupat?

    Cartile pot fi prezente in calatoria oamenilor sub forma de timp personal. Biblia este singura carte care ne citeste. Nu noi o citim pe ea, ci invers.

    Cum ar decurge o intalnire intre mine (un om din opt miliarde) si Cel Nascut astazi, Cel Sfant? Te priveste in ochi cu caldura, iti intinde mana si rosteste: “EU SUNT CALEA”, “EU SUNT ADEVARUL”, “EU SUNT VIATA” , “EU SUNT LUMINA”, “EU SUNT PAINEA”.

    Introducerea mea? Ce imi ramane sa spun? Singura fraza permanent corecta pe o pot rosti: Eu sunt un pacatos. Acesta este singurul raspuns corect. Abia apoi pot respira eliberat.

    Ce inseamna expresia “S-a pocait domne de pacatele ei/lui?” Inseamna sa iti para rau de pacatele tale. Cand iti pare rau, nu mai repeti.

    “Cine cauta, gaseste.” Dar ce sa cautam? Ce? Sa cautam in altii? Ce treaba avem in altii?

    Pe altul il pot vedea doar din atat cat sunt eu. Imi imaginez ca celalalt este “eu”?

    Stiu ce ganduri are cel din fata mea? Stiu eu ce poarta in suflet? La cine sa ne uitam daca suntem toti la fel? Vreau sa traiesc “viata” altuia?

    Ma uit spre Cel ce spune ca Este, iar eu incep sa inteleg: dragostea, bucuria, pacea, îndelunga răbdare, bunătatea, facerea de bine, credincioșia, blândețea, înfrânarea poftelor. Daca chiar te uiti spre Cer, n-ai cum sa-l vezi pe celalalt. Obiceiul devine ca bautul apei. Daca nu am baut suficienta apa, nu e bine. Hidratarea este zilnica.

    “Lucruri pe care ochiul nu le-a vazut, urechea nu le-a auzit si la inima omului nu s-au suit, asa sunt lucrurile pe care le-a pregatit Dumnezeu pentru cei care-L iubesc.”

    Vestea buna este ca Domnul Isus/Iisus Hristos (in ebraica se scrie Yeshua) te primeste asa cum esti, dar nu te lasa asa cum esti. Te transforma de la interior spre exterior. Atunci cand nu stii ce sa faci, te uiti spre El. Privesti intern doar chipul Lui, nu proiectia celui din fata ta.

    “It is better to be roughly right than precisely wrong.” – John Maynard Keynes

    Iubire, pace, iertare! (pentru inimile noastre)

    Inspiratie: Cornel Constantin


    Best regards,




    Looking up to heaven, Jesus sighed and said, “Ephphatha,” and it means “Be opened.”

    In spatele ecranului se afla linistea unui caiet.

    Cand auzi niste lucruri atat de bune, nu poti sa le tii doar pentru tine… asa ca le asterni si pe virtual.

    Dumnezeu iubeste pacatosul, adica pe fiecare in parte. Dumnezeu nu iubeste pacatul.

    Let’s repeat: Iubeste omul (pacatosul), dar nu pacatul.

    Pana ajungem sa nu ne mai judecam, e de munca.

    Cand nu vrei sa vezi, nu vezi. Cand vrei sa vezi, tii de ochi deschisi. Cand nu stii, chiar nu stii.

    “Dumnezeu, în adevăr, n-a trimis pe Fiul Său în lume ca să judece lumea, ci ca lumea să fie mântuită prin El. Oricine crede în El nu este judecat, dar cine nu crede a și fost judecat, pentru că n-a crezut în Numele singurului Fiu al lui Dumnezeu.”

    Asa cum am notat de la M28, Judecata lui Dumnezeu este integra, iar in lumea noastra exista doua tipuri de oameni:

    1. Omul care aproba trairea altora in pacat.
    2. Omul care judeca trairea altora in pacat.

    Cand incetezi sa judeci, te pui deoparte. Poti sa te judeci foarte bine pe tine, iar in afara de tine, doar Dumnezeu iti cunoaste inima. Facem parte din ambele tabere… pana ne vedem de drumul nostru.

    Luca 16:15 /  Isus le-a zis: „Voi căutați să vă arătați neprihăniți înaintea oamenilor, dar Dumnezeu vă cunoaște inimile; pentru că ce este înălțat între oameni este o urâciune înaintea lui Dumnezeu.

    Romani 1:18

    Adevarul expune ipocrizia celui care condamna pe altii, dar face si el la fel.

    Dar acum vine partea mea preferata:

    Omul pacatos (eu) se judeca intai pe sine: Sunt primul dintre pacatosi, in capul listei, number one. Asta te scapa de ipocrizie.

    E multa vorba, multa vorba in gol pana inveti sa taci. Asculti mai mult, vorbesti cand trebuie.

    Uneori cautam sa modificam adevarul prin informatii noi.

    Legea trebuie implinita. Nu sa o stii, nu sa o reciti pe de rost. Legea trebuie implinita.

    Ioan 3:18-21

    The bigger we make our God, the smaller everything else gets.

    Keep on loving people. Love them and depend on God.

    1 Tesaloniceni 4

    1 Tesaloniceni 5

    Duminica, la finalul unei “cuvantari”, priveam ecranul unde se derulau imagini minunate din natura si anumite versuri din melodia ce se intona. M-am privit alergand spre un om imbracat in alb ce mi-a pus mana pe umarul drept si mi-a spus: Hai! Lasa lumea in spate! Sa mergem! (Multumesc lui Dumnezeu pentru imaginatie)

    Cine ar putea sa fie acel personaj spre care alergi pentru ca stii ca te iubeste, stii ca poti pleca capul smerit, stii ca poti sa rasufli fara sa te judece, stii ca a murit, stii ca a inviat si domneste prin dragoste? Daca nu esti sigur, inseamna ca nu stii.

    Unii cunosc personajul, altii cauta peste tot si in toti personajul, dar El poate veni atunci cand spui: “Usa inimii mele este deschisa. Intra si locuieste in inima mea. Esti pacea inimii mele.” In fiecare dimineata repeti acelasi lucru, iar atunci cand vrei sa cunosti si mai bine personajul, ii cauti povestea in Biblie, cu ochii de azi. Citesti, recitesti, citesti, recitesti, iar zi de zi inima devine tot mai alba. Divinitatea este ca o comoara ascunsa a inimii tale. Nu trebuie sa faca sens pentru nimeni.

    Putem umple inima cu multe lucruri, dar tot se goleste. Atunci cand rostesti Numele, sa fii sigur ca te asteapta pentru ca deja te cunoaste. Inima doreste multe lucruri. Cu cat vede mai multe, pofteste si mai multe. Inima era golita de dorinte cand ne-am nascut, dar plina cu un infinit de dragoste.

    Putem sa avem lucruri frumoase, dorinte indeplinite, dar nu in ele sta ancorata credinta personala pe care o construim cu Divinitatea.

    Nu trebuie sa fim de acord cu nimic. Esti experientele si lectiile tale. Nu esti cel din fata ta si nici cum gandeste el. Indiferent de nuanta temporara a inimii noastre, putem sa fim in pace. “Caci n-avem nicio putere impotriva adevarului, ci pentru adevar.”

    Exact cand nu te astepti, apare. O sa gresesti pana cand o sa-ti dai seama de repetitie, iar aici intervine o fraza care-mi place mult: “Resist the Devil and he will flee from you.”

    Bine, bine, dar cum se traduce asta? Cine e “Devil” acesta ca nu-l vad cu ochiul liber. Cred ca exista sub diferite forme. “Si nu este de mirare, caci chiar Satana se preface intr-un inger de lumina. Nu este mare lucru dar daca si slujitorii lui se prefac in slujitori ai neprihanirii. Sfarsitul lor va fi dupa faptele lor.” (2 Cor 11: 14-15)

    Gandul negativ si actiunea negativa apare acolo unde a cedat la un moment dat si usa s-a deschis. Spiritele rele sau gandurile negative nu sunt inventive, iar ele se intorc pe aceeasi cale unde le-ai dat voie sa intre (constient sau inconstient) in viata ta. Care sunt slabiciunile noastre? Pe aceeasi cale se intorc.

    Daca am deschis usa fricii, ma duc inapoi la prima intrare. Caut unde a aparut frica. Unde am observat-o? Era a mea?

    2 Timotei 1:7-9

    “Căci Dumnezeu nu ne-a dat un duh de frică, ci de putere, de dragoste şi de chibzuinţă. Să nu-ţi fie ruşine dar de mărturisirea Domnului nostru, nici de mine, întemniţatul Lui. Ci suferă împreună cu Evanghelia, prin puterea lui Dumnezeu. El ne-a mântuit şi ne-a dat o chemare sfântă, nu pentru faptele noastre, ci după hotărârea Lui şi după harul care ne-a fost dat în Hristos Isus, înainte de veşnicii.”

    Daca nu vine de la Creator, vine din dezordine, din ce mostenim sau ce observam in jur, until you cut the cord.

    Ce pot sa fac in dreptul meu ca simplu om este doar responsabilitatea mea, iar tot ce trece peste ziua de azi este deja in mainile lui Dumnezeu. Suna greu de crezut… pana crezi.

    Dar cum aplici daca nu stii? Asa cum spun si Scripturile, cel mai bine este sa spui pur si simplu rugaciunea “Tatal Nostru”, pentru ca Dumnezeu cunoaste deja orice rugaminte a ta.

    Aici astern un exemplu simplu/general. O rugaciune poate sa fie chiar si un “Multumesc!”

    Doamne, las in mainile Tale grija zilei de maine.

    Doamne, las in mainile Tale orice gand negativ legat de sanatatea mea, de jobul meu, de pielea mea, de dorinta mea, de copilul meu, de tot ce a rostit prietena sau prietenul meu. Las in mainile Tale ce a spus colega, seful, partenerul. Eu nu am venit la pachet cu nimeni pe Lumea asta. Am venit sa invat din greseli si sa iubesc. Am venit sa fiu o fiinta iubitoare care ofera iubire si primeste iubire. Nu traiesc sa fiu pe placul nimanui. Nu traiesc sa fiu perfect.

    (Dumnezeu nu este impresionat de aparentele noastre. El se uita doar la inima.)

    Eu nu trebuie sa stiu. Oricat as cauta, oricat de inteligent m-as crede, renunt azi pentru ca nu am de ce sa stiu totul, dar Tu cunosti, iar eu ma concentrez la Cuvantul Tau, la floarea din fata mea, la proiectul din fata mea, la copil, la parintele meu, la bucuria din inima mea.

    Drumul meu nu trebuie sa semene cu nimic. Eu te port in inima mea si este suficient.

    Te trezesti dimineata cu acelasi gand. Nu te uiti la nimic, nu controlezi, nu verifici. Nu te uiti inapoi.

    Dintre toate personajele feminine mentionate in Biblie, Dumnezeu a tinut sa sublinieze povestea sotiei lui Lot care s-a transformat in stalp de sare… pentru ca s-a uitat inapoi.

    Se aplica omului ce isi doreste sa devina mai bun cu el insusi, dar isi aminteste de trecut. Iti trece prin minte calea usoara sa te intorci la “Eu cel vechi”, la a privi spre ce spun altii. Inevitabil te blochezi si nu mai poti continua drumul tau. Firea cea veche incearca sa-ti impietreasca inima. Blocarea in trecut si dorinta de a verifica ce s-a modificat in urma mea, nu ar face decat sa estompeze prezentul meu.

    Lui Dumnezeu ii place sa ne prospere, dar noi trebuie sa fim atenti cu ce ne umplem inima, pentru ca dorintele noastre devin uneori mai mari decat El, iar asta ne indeparteaza de ceea ce suntem. Doar eu sunt responsabil sa-mi pun inima in ordine. Dumnezeu spune sa ai incredere in El. Pricina caderilor noastre provin din “falsa incredere in noi”.

    Pot merge pe un drum nou cu Dumnezeu, pentru ca este Prietenul meu cel mai bun. Mai bine merg asa, decat sa privesc la ce a fost vechi in mine, la ce nu exista azi. Nu exista drum mai sigur decat cu Domnul Iisus Hristos.

    “Eu sunt Vița, voi sunteți mlădițele. Cine rămâne în Mine și în cine rămân Eu aduce multă roadă, căci, despărțiți de Mine, nu puteți face nimic.”

    “Cum? Unde e? E poveste veche…”

    Daca incerci sa citesti Biblia cu inima de copil, drumul negresit apare.

    In aceasta dimineata m-am trezit in minte cu o melodie pe care o cantam atunci cand eram copil. Versurile sunt frumoase. Enjoy!

    God is keeping all His promises. He will give you beauty for the ashes. Ask God for discernment and keep your faith until the end.

    Jesus Christ says “I tell you the truth”, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” ( Mat 18:18; John 14:6)

    The posture of your heart makes all the difference you wish to be today.

    With less of me there’s more of God.

    Empty is where miracles begin.


    Best regards,




    “You rarely have time for everything you want in this life, so you need to make choices.

    And hopefully your choices can come from a deep sense of who you are.” (Fred Rogers)

    Photo Source:

    Breath In: The NEW YOU.

    Breathe Out: Everything that’s NOT you.

    Peace and focus are whispering together: “I’m here!”

    I’m here while molecules are changing and still here while this astonishing body stretches and relaxes. No sound of the past and no worries of the future. You are far away from any mentally constructed distractions.

    I’ve been reading a great book written by Daniel Lapin, and he was talking about a very simple scheme that can make your life a mess, or it can help you turn into a king/queen.

    The winning formula: 1. Brain 2. Emotions 3. Body.

    Decisions are made first in the brain. Not the other way around. Until we adjust, learn some lessons and transform (continuously), it will happen to switch the order. If we make decisions based on what our body wants first, it will affect many areas of our life.

    “Resisting temptation makes you feel better about yourself, and feeling better about yourself makes temptation easier to resist. Resisting temptation is easier when you truly think of yourself as a worthy, deserving person who is above bad behavior. It is hard to tell yourself that you cannot hang out at the coffee shop or watch TV if you enjoy those things. But it is much easier to tell yourself that you are not the kind of person who misses out on a sales call or wastes all day watching trash TV. “Who do you think I am?” you say to yourself, indignantly. “No way would I do those things. Not me!” This is you positioning yourself morally, building up your character, to make your choices easier to make and temptations easier to resist.”

    Let’s go back to the present moment.

    I’ve heard many beautiful things in the last seven years about Pilates.

    Here are some important points (not advices) that really stacked with me about this incredible type of workout: PILATES

    1. Your first session is about new beginnings. Reminder: Patience! Take it easy!
    2. While your stretching the body, just try to think that nothing else exists except for your breathing, your body muscles and the voice of your instructor.
    3. You come first. (It takes a lot of repetition to learn that)
    4. Be open to understand how each movement of the muscle involves “breathing in” and “breathing out”. I often caught myself thinking of something else and forgot to inhale.
    5. You start to feel healthier, happier by the simple fact that you show-up.
    6. It gives you the proper energy without taking anything away from you.

    I had the pleasure to meet one of the most important names when it comes to Pilates in Bucharest and I couldn’t help, but preparing some questions about his story and how Pilates crafted its way into his life, but also about how he managed to create an interesting and active lifestyle. I always wondered how fitness professionals are managing to create and nurture a powerful mindset, not to mention that he’s got the same weight for over 20 years!

    Photo Source: Sorin Bujoreanu’s personal archive

    • Mijournali: Bonjour, Sorin Bujoreanu! It would be lovely to share with us some of your childhood memories about health, fitness, sports or any education related to it.

    We all start from somewhere when it comes to how we involuntarily express our energy through movement. As a little boy I vividly remember that I was practicing running, and playing “Oina” with my old buddies. Of course, football was part of my routine and long bike rides. In high school I discovered sports dance, and I really felt that it went much easily to shape the body in this particular way and so I’ve started to participate in dance competitions. Even though I took a different path by choosing to become a project engineer, after one year, encouraged by my friends, I’ve followed my passion and moved from Galati to Bucharest to study four years at National University of Physical Education and Sport Bucharest. (ANEFS) From here I’ve somehow imagined that I’m going to become a good coach. My orientation was towards aerobics, so I had the chance to meet a Brazilian woman, named Najla who came from Dubai, and we practiced together Body Pump for almost a year. In 2010, I had this immense opportunity to create dance choreographies for an old studio named “Lady Fit” and after this adventure ended, I finally got my license degree in Pilates.

    Looking back, I’m really grateful to think how well everything matched the puzzle of my journey. I’ve immediately started to work in this field alongside with two talented Turkish women who opened the first Pilates Studio in Bucharest…and it was real! Ever since then I’ve been upgrading my skills constantly through specialized courses, but nevertheless improving my methods with the latest information available on the market. My main source of inspiration was of course, Joseph Pilates. This is how I gained experience for almost three years.

    In 2013, was the opening of the biggest Country Club from the Eastern Europe (Stejarii Country Club), and a foreign client/friend chose me (brought me) to work there.

    I’ve been grateful to practice Pilates at Stejarii right from the beginning, and I’m still honoring my duty. I had a great opportunity to grow and evolve among the greatest professionals in Bucharest.

    Currently, I’m practicing Pilates between two places: Stejarii Country Club and Align Pilates (a hidden gem) somewhere in Romana area, right next to Gradina Icoanei Park.

    Mijournali: Does the Perfect Pilates outfit exist? What do you wear? What is preferable to wear while doing this type of workout?

    I prefer Asics. I choose to wear all black equipment. As for the clients it is preferable to wear body-fitting equipment made of organic materials, with or without stockings. If you are not comfortable barefoot, a good pair of anti-slip socks can make a difference.

    Photo Source: Instagram @align_pilates

    What does Pilates means to you?

    For me, it’s a conscious state of movement combined with breathing which is a common language of the senses. It’s not about how you move, but more about what you think when you’re moving. Healthy disconnection! That’s it!

    Share with us what do you love most about Pilates, and how do you see yourself in the present moment?

    I find exciting that more and more people are starting to choose Pilates. Clients are perceiving “the smart talk” of this brain-muscle connection. I focus on the development of neuromuscular channels that facilitate the knowledge of the human body.

    I love discipline. Pilates is part of my being. You somehow become what you love.

    I find myself to be a patient human being, passionate, focused. I’m an advocate for change.

    A motto that guides you?

    Breathe, focus and move. Joy is on the way, too.

    Do you find Pilates suitable for everybody?

    Of course, but is an act of responsibility to get a proper medical check before starting any kind of movement. After 13 years of practicing and teaching Pilates, I had the pleasure to instruct teenagers, women and men between the ages of 16 and 70. This kind of movement can be done individually, between friends, colleagues or family.

    Pilates can be enjoyed outdoors (in nature) or during special/private events.

    What is your favorite exercise and why?

    I would say the lunges because they maintain the mobility of the pelvis. It also gives you the feeling of elongating the legs. The hips become more flexible by doing these special lunges.

    Any advice for those who practice or want to discover this type of workout?

    Results walk hand in hand with patience. You learn to relax, breathe, and treat yourself better. The most important gesture is to create better thoughts and start making healthy choices when it comes to nourishing your body with healthy food.

    Repetition, repetition, repetition and you’ll meet your relaxed mind & body vision.

    By the simple fact that you’re giving the proper and repetitive attention to your muscles, they will slowly start to respond, modify, and evolve. Pilates is not an intense activity, but hydrating is important. It is better to eat two hours before the appointment to avoid any sort of discomfort.

    Could you share with us top 3 benefits of practicing Pilates? If we can mix with another kind of movement in order to gain better results, what would it be?

    You definitely gain muscle tone. You have the opportunity to sculpt the body, plus a great way to improve the pelvic floor muscles. You should be determined about your own progress because every action that you do on a daily basis requires a sleep routine, healthy nutrition and patience. Pilates is about creating a new state of being.

    For even better results, you can choose workouts that increase the heart rate such as spinning, jogging, swimming or cycling.

    Pilates is about focusing.

    Pilates is a slow movement in accordance to your breathing.

    Pilates is your intense presence. You cannot be anywhere else. You are present.

    Please share your daily healthy routine with us. How do you manage to keep the same weight for almost 20 years?

    I respect the meal hours and don’t skip my breakfast. I don’t eat anything between meals, thus giving the pancreas a break from working continuously.

    My rule is pretty simple. I eat vegetables first, after comes proteins and lastly carbohydrates.


    First example: cucumber, tomato, beetroot, carrot and goat cheese

    Second example: Grilled mushrooms, zucchini, a well deserved omelette

    Final touch: Hydrated walnuts and almonds

    Surprise: Blueberries, blackberries or raspberries

    I mix between the two, but keeping the final touches and my surprise always by my side.

    LUNCH 2 PM

    I prefer a vegetable soup mixed with small pieces of proteins (turkey or beef)

    After my soup, I eat vegetables or a green salad with sardine, salmon, tuna or turkey.

    From time to time I indulge myself with some pasta or pizza.


    I often skip the dinner… but If I feel the need to eat something, I chose edamame, homemade popcorn or a green salad.

    What is the secret of maintaining your body in shape? A simple tip for those who want to create abs?

    Everything can change with gratitude. I would say small daily repetitions. (no matter what)

    I like to move my body with few lunges and push-ups in the morning. Those who are at the beginning can start training the abs with 20 repetitions daily, because the muscles must be maintained in an active stage. Small intentional habits will take you further if you want to discipline your mind and body.

    Tell us something about your mindset!

    I stay away from habits that are harmful to the body. I respect my hours of sleep and drink a small amount of alcohol.

    I’m focusing on become a better human being. I don’t put myself in situations that are damaging to my mental and physical state. Withdrawal means balance.

    I also read about everything that adds value to my life, I move my body and I love taking my daily dose of vitamin D from the sun.

    A small hint for a beginner who never practiced Pilates before?

    Honestly? Being patient with oneself for the first thirty Pilates sessions, and after that it will be even better. I’ve never heard anybody complaining: “I feel so unhappy after I invest in myself.” Most of the work is done in the mind and when you don’t know where to start, just promise yourself one small thing: I will become more intentional about my own journey!

    Thank you! (Arigato!)

    Mijournali: And that’s a wrap!

    It was a real pleasure to have this honest conversation with Sorin Bujoreanu (Pilates expert coach). I express my gratitude for inspiring so many people on their journey towards a healthier lifestyle. Your passion for movement has already enhanced our minds!

    Photo Source: Instagram @align_pilates

    • You can find more about Sorin Bujoreanu’s activity right here:


    Instagram: @i_do_pilates_too

    Instagram: @align_pilates

    Align Studio and Stejarii Country Club (Bucharest)



    PS: This article is not a Paid Partnership


    The information above is for educational and informational purposes only and not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you start any diet or perform any exercise.


    Happy Money – Ken Honda

    Everyone wants money. When you randomly ask a person what they want the most, they will often reply, “Money”. They can decide exactly how to use it later. Why do we want money so much? What are the underlying motivations that keeps us constantly feeling in need of money? Once you can put into perspective the emotional reasons for wanting money, you will start to feel more connected to your own needs and less stressed about money. This is how you can be released from money’s control over you. Over the years I’ve observed many reasons why people think they want money. I’ve recognized some some distinct patterns, which I am going to describe as the six reasons why people want money. There is always an emotional drive behind wanting money. But if we become disconnected from the underlying emotions, we can get stuck in a cycle of trying to make money without understanding what we really need. We all need shelter, clothes, and food to eat – and a way to cook it. In the past, people attributed their livelihood to good farmland and forest, but today it is money that delivers us the things we need. When most people are asked why they are working, they will reply, “To put food on the table.” It is important to understand the difference between what we consider to be the bare minimum and what we consider luxury. I’ve met many people who were making good salaries yet constantly felt like they had just enough to put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads.

    Many people save money because they are afraid of the future. They may get sick or lose their jobs, so they save for a rainy day. That is why people want to save: in case something bad happens. But if you save money out of anxiety or fear, you will just feed more fear and anxiety – more blocks to the flow of money. The side effect is that no matter how much you save, anxiety around money will not disappear. If you are broke, you may think you need to save enough money for a week so you can feel at ease about money. But if you have a week’s worth savings, you will feel like you need money for a month. After that, you may need a year’s worth. It never ends. Even if you could save enough for the rest of your life, you would start worrying about the possibility of losing it all. So your anxiety never disappears. Why? It is not related to money at all. It is anxiety and fear deeply rooted in your psychology. We think our fears are about money, but in reality it is the future and change we’re afraid of. Is there a solution to this madness? If you are going to save money, save it while you imagine the many fun ways to spend it. You might go traveling, eat at a nice restaurant, get a massage, retire in a desired location, spend it on your children and loved ones. See the difference? You’re infusing your thoughts of money with appreciation, love, hope, and positive energy, thus ensuring that more will flow. You realize your money is there to support your joy and fun. If you start imagining all the fun things you can do with the money you are saving, you won’t be able to worry at the same time. The human mind is very simple: it cannot process two emotions at once. Keep your mind focused on the fun, positive, and hopeful things. Your savings account – and your mind – will thank you.

    This may sound strange, but it is true. I have interviewed thousands of millionaires all over the world, so i have a lot of data that confirms this. In fact, I did a study with Kodansha, one of the prestigious publishing houses in Japan, called How Ordinary People Became Millionaires, which examined 10,000 millionaires and how they achieved success. I discovered many things, one of which was that they all lost much and experienced failure and loss before accumulating wealth. They lost in various ways: through bad investments, through theft by employees, or through failed businesses. So don’t get discouraged by the first misfortune. Think of it instead as getting one step closer to success. For after losing some, you will start attracting money – if, of course, you maintain a positive attitude and are open to receiving future success. Other findings are that people who love what they do are far more likely to be successful than those who are unfulfilled in their work. People who do what they love have more passion, go the extra mile for their clients, and serve more. They are more appreciated and respected by their clients and customers. In a word, they are likable. If you want to have a higher Money EQ, you need to love people. The more you care for others, the more you will receive. People respond to someone who cares. Money will flow to these people. If more people like you, more money will flow. I often get questions from freelance people about pricing. They often wonder what the right price for them is. They are not asking the question of how. They want to know more about how to price higher and still get clients and customers. They are afraid to raise their prices because they fear they’ll lose potential clients. It is scary to “put a price on yourself.” The same goes when you ask for a raise. What is interesting is that whatever price you set, you will get clients. However, they won’t be the same: different people have different needs and abilities. If you price low, you’ll attract those who can pay those prices, if you price high, you’ll lose power-paying customers but you’ll attract those who are willing to pay higher prices. So the question is: Are you ready for higher prices and attracting different clients and customers?

    People often assume that bigger is better. However, people who desperately aim for big money and riches often fail, and with that failure comes a lot of stress. When it comes to body weight, but occasionally you will find someone who feels great in their own skin, just as they are. In terms of money, I have heard many people say they want more but rarely has anyone ever said that they have too much. I’ve met only one man who said he had enough. I have mentioned my mentor Wahei Takeda a couple of times. I wrote about having “enough” in a book called Maro Up!: The Secret of Success Begins with Arigato with Janet Bray Attwood. Before Wahei’s death, I had the privilege and honor to learn from him, and he was by far the happiest person I have ever met. Although most people around the world are unfamiliar with this great man, to put in relative terms, he was like this great man, to put it in relative terms, he was like the Warren Buffett of Japan. He used to run one of the largest candy companies in the country, and what made his candy company so unique was that the factory workers listened to children singing arigato, which means “thank you”, as they made this special and popular candy for babies. Wahei felt that the energy that came from the children singing while the factory workers were making the candy was why his candy was a bestseller. And I believe my success is a direct result of Wahei’s philosophy of saying arigato consistently and applying his “maro up” philosophy to my own life and business. So what is maro? The word is short for magokoro, which means “true or sincere heart” in Japanese. You could say maro is strong in those who have a pure heart and lead an upright life. Even in Japanese, it’s hard to define maro because it’s a spiritual state, but it could be called a state of selflessness, the opposite of ego. It can be thought of as the deeper and of one’s consciousness, closer to the collective consciousness, the level at which all of humanity and the universe are one. As such, maro is the wellspring of our unconditional love for others, and also for ourselves. Achieving a state of maro is the key to success. Wahei said that those who are in touch with maro always create win-win situations for themselves and the people around them. It follows that if you have a pure heart and true sincerity, not only will people treat you better but you’ll begin to feel the whole universe support you as well. When your maro increases, Wahei says you “maro up” and invite many miracles into your life.

    When your maro increases, you:

    • become more magnetic, both emitting and attracting positive energy. This surrounds you with good people and things you care for deeply, which then creates a cycle of happiness and abundance
    • become more passionate and more energized to do the things you care about the most. You become more intuitive, and you can choose the best way to live your life. And since you are doing what you love most, you are constantly opening doors to exciting new opportunities and more abundance
    • express more gratitude for life so you find yourself saying “thank you” more than even before. Your gratitude is contagious, and you make those around you full of positive energy. As a result, others start to express gratitude and welcome more abundance into their own lives as well.”


    We don’t want everything we like, we just remember the beautiful things.

    We like this and that this week:

    • I watched ELVIS and remembered about this song which is incredibly powerful: “If I can dream”. Such an iconic scene with Elvis dressed in white. What a perfect frame! I think this song sums up the whole movie. “And while I can think, while I can talk / While I can stand, while I can walk / While I can dream / Oh, please let my dream / Come true.

    • Have you felt poetry and saw vibrant paintings lately? Impressive roots are visible at Galeria Senso until 12.11.2022. Thank you, Ioana Mocanu and Kira Hagi for the lovely exhibition!

    • Palissade is an elegant outdoor furniture designed by the two French brothers, Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec. You can take a sit at Jardin des Tuileries, where the two have created a beautiful architectural kiosque. Have a look right here: Kiosque
    • How precious is the memory of our World! Knowledge is the real treasure of our species and each time we turn one more page, we evolve. You can discover here how rare and precious books are being preserved so they can travel safely through time.